
Showing posts from May, 2022

MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION-Say My Name I Wanna Hear You!!!!

Ughhh I can't believe I haven't been posting many 'MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION" posts. These are so close to my CLOLD heart. They're up there with PINK WEDNESDAY'S to be honest. I love posts like these, because this gives me a reason to be unholy. I have an excuse to turn my cross upside down, and there's nothing you can say... because you too do things that aren't god like! Stop acting so perfect. THere's no way you can be perfect. Its not possible. The only thing close to perfection is HELL. whether you want to admit that or not. But please don't run away... you reading this doesn't mean you'll stay in hell. This is only to take a trip there so relax. Ladies don't you just love hearing him say your name. Isn't it amusing to hear him beg for you to take him over the edge? Doesn't your skin crawl when pain brings him joy, or is it when he puts his soul on the line just to feel you for the night. Even though you both kn...

Heal Your Inner Child!!!

Before you storm the castle theres something you need to know! Theres something you need to do first. You can't possibly know your way through the prison that you so desparately blocked out as a child. Do you know of anyone who remembered just how traumatic their upbringing was if they chose to go blind to most of what happened? Your mind is an incredible place, but its also a terrible place when those memories seemingly flood the gates. If and or when that does happen, you need to be ready! Wanting revenge, because you despised the way you were raised is absolutely A-Ok. But wanting to destroy the inside with only the creditials of an outsider is quite ludacris. Wouldn't you agree? But the thing is you don't have to agree, because I'm only speaking from experience. I can only talk about topics where I myself have found myself to be apart of. Running back to what hurt me was saddening, but what really hurt me the most was wanting those you caused my hur...

Miraculous Monday's!!!!

Mondays are confusing. To some Monday's are the devil, and to others Monday's are serene. I'm curious where do you stand, when it comes to Monday's? I've noticed that the majority of the people who hate Monday's are the same people who work for companies that they loathe. Others go to school... and honestly that's a secure enough reason to despise Mondays! Some people are involved in both work and schooling, which could be overwhelming if your heart pulls for other activites. I've also noticed that there are people who seem to be stuck in the past. They find themselves re-living their past, which results to them hating Monday's as well (I sometimes fall under this category). That's why I wanted to add (Miraculous Mondays) into my blog segments, because we could all use a bit/a lot of "pick me up". If you can sense your life heading in the direction you'd rather it not, then this should be your sign to stop. Stop whe...

Sunday Special!!!!

Heyyy you... you're back, thanks for your support. Supporting someone helps them continue their path on whatever that may be. So continue to support others and watch how others will support you. Anyways today's Sunday, and I was thinking about expanding my segment's list. I was thinking that I could add a "SUNDAY'S SPECIAL" , I don't know.... it seems fun so I thought I'd try it out! What's the worst that could happen? I mean I could over cook your eggs, or I could put too much butter on you bread. Wait did you order white bread or sourdough...? I want you to get into the habit of geting things done by your own doing. I would always find myself coming up with great ideas, but I would act on none without first getting a friend on board. To be honest... I didn't have a particular "friend" in mind, it was more like first come first serve. HAHAHAHA... did you get that reference... or was it more like a pun? AIT-TEE-WAYSSSS w...

People Are Going To Act Strange!!!

It's a strange Saturday... isn't it? I think this new energy is affecting some of us if not all of us. I wanted to add another segment to my blogs. I was thinking of starting each Saturdays off with a word that starts with an "S." So obviously today's word is '"STRANGE." I believe it's fitting for today's topic. I can't stress this enough, about what happens when your starting from the ground up. The things you're going to have to deal with. The conflicts that are going to come your way, hoping for a reaction. There's going to be a lot of BS placed on your path to FUCK you up. It's up to you if that'll be the reason that you stop. All eyes are going to be on you when you're putting yourself out there, whether you like that or not. That's the price you'll have to pay inexchange for the shiny cool toys that you'll recieve for doing such deeds. Now that price could either be good or very bad, and ...

Congrats to Gabourey Sidibe!!!!!

Who else is overly happy for MISS GABOUREY S.? She's the definition that you can have anything you want if you truly believe in yourself. The best thing you could do in a world like this one is to stay/remain secure with yourself, because if you don't then who will? Who will spot the beauty in you, if you don't see it in yourself? It takes you loving yourself first before others will follow suit. What could you as a BROWN WOMAN LEARN FROM MISS... I MEAN MRS. SIDIBE(does she go by her Husband's name?) I love seeing black women straying away from the norm. I love seeing you leave the table when you're not being properly served. But if you're still with that low quality dusty... why? Why are you wasting your life with a little boy? You're wasting your best years with a no good guy? I'm going to keep asking why!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? Who said that you couldn't interracial date? Who said a "Brandon", didnt like you or could ever lik...

Pink Talk ~ It's Pink Are You Going To Go???

I could ask what shade of Green are you waiting for... but in this case we're replacing the color green with pink of course! I ask what are you waiting for, because I seemingly always see people wanting a spark to be lit in order for them to follow their dreams, but when given the sign/chance they remain as frozen as ever. Why is that? I thought you wanted this? I'm pretty sure I heard you right along with many others... say that you'd start when given the PINK light. Don't get mad when I say that the light's been PINK for quite some time now. Don't get fraustrated when the people behind you start honking their horns. Like seriously you being indecisive could cost those in the area. You never want to be the reason why someone couldn't be somewhere where their presence was needed. Thinking of what could go wrong when deciding if and when you should take action, could result to no action being taken. Don't psych yourself out before you e...

Pink Wednesday~ It Only Should Be You!!!!

Heyyy you, thanks for stopping by again! I literally blog for fun ,but I also enjoy blogging because I've always felt like I had a lot to say but I didn't really know how to express myself. Doesn't it feel great to be apart of an era where anything is possible? We can make anything from absolutely nothing. As you all know Wednesday's are my best days... thanks to "Mean Girls." Today's blog is centered around "YOUR POTENTIAL". Paving the way for yourself can only happen when you stop paving the way for others. Ladies... hear me out I'm not saying you have to be a STONE COLD HEARTLESS BITCH ... but. When you're nice everyone will use you and your potential to get them where they're trying to go. Why are you still hanging around people who for some reason "doesn't" see your potential. To be honest if you're always down playing your potential why should others see something different? Hunny this is YOU...

You're The Other You!!!

It's Gemini Season... don't you want to know why you feel like someone else. I know exactly how you're feeling. You're feeling like someone else,but that person seems awfully familiar... right? You're becoming someone you feel so close to, like maybe you were this person but in another life? In this season do you feel like you'd rather watch yourself through a glass window? The truth is there's a new energy in the air, and it's agenda is to have you doing what you've always wanted to do, even if it means channeling someone/something else. While you're hoping to stay/remain the same, there's a such thing as the laws of nature. It's not normal to remain the same, at some point you're forced to move even if that means being pushed knowing that its your face that you'll fall on in the process. What comes to mind when you think of a Gemini? A second person? A second version of you? A mere copy of you? Or another you... ...


You know what? You're amazing, I know the world has tried in one way or another to break you, and guess what you're still here! We live in a world where everyone is here, but no one is HERE. Why do we pass each other without looking up? Why don't we want to know whats real? You'll never know who is who, if you choose to live within your head. Being around too much fakiness causes you to know nothing of what could be real. Being able to know yourself is vital. Its the first step to knowing what you're capable of, which helps you become closer to your purpose. Stay away from people who don't seem to take the time to figure you out. You don't have to blend in/fit in. That's lame, even if that calls for you to be alone most times then thats what it takes. You're strong and most of all you're amazing, so stop wasting your time questioning yourself. You know what needs to be done to live on your own terms. Separate yourself from the pe...

MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION- Tell Everyone To Shut The F!ck Up Like Kat!!!!!!

This was LONG OVERDUE, but you know WHO you're supposed to do... I mean WHAT you're supposed to do... but it keeps getting pushed back further and further. Yeah I'm sorry KAT, because its you who I'd be if we're speaking on EUPHORIA terms. I feel like I already resonated with your personality. I too was that girl that everyone looked past. Sure I had my own friend groups that consists of my girls, but I too felt so alone. I too wanted to feel something more. Something different. Something dark. Maybe wrapped in patent leather? I didn't know what I wanted/needed but I knew I needed to be apart of something more, even if it meant putting myself on the deep dark web. To all my ladies never fear change. Never not listen to your inner demon . Your demon knows best. And to all my super duper religious people, we'll just call it your "spiritual doctor" You as a person knows whats best for you. We know when its time to be something of a b...

Escape From Where You're At!!!!

Not gonna lie I was going to make this blog late tonight, but I instantly became energized. So why would I waste that energy. Why should you waste that spark of energy that you recieve? Its like being given a blessing, would you waste that blessing? Would you expect another blessing, because you missed the concept of the first blessing? Not all the time will you be given a golden window! I felt the need to leave this earthly realm. And who could get me there faster? Who could help me CUM... I mean COME to another version of me. If you guessed THE WEEKND... then you're right. I've accepted that the weekends's are entirely for you to slip and lose yourself. You don't have to stay on earth if it isn't feeding your soul anymore! Just like THE WEEKND wanted to "escape From LA", why not escape from whats holding you back? You don't have to stay where you know isnt allowing you to be who you're meant to be! Who told you that you had to s...

PINK TALK- Be More Than The Average!!!!!

You know what made me jump out of bed... I realized I hadn't posted a PINK WEDNESDAY yesterday!!! I was devestated , because it was just last Wednesday, I was gushing over the fact that Wednesday's are my fave days to post. I don't know It's something about pink that brings out my darling side. I always feel like I'm waiting in line to get pink cotton candy on those days. Heyy did you catch my cotton candy drift... no ok???? I wanted to disucss the topic of "not being subtle." When I looked at my vision board last night I saw something that I missed while creating it at the ending of last year. The theme was dark. Not dark in an evil way, but dark in a sultry way. It was anything but subtle. I then relized that I was channeling the energy I feel NOW. You can only get what you want by being fearless. You have to be confident in an unconfident society. This season requires you to be different. I've always seen the people get what they w...


Get ready for that moment. That moment is going to look a little like this... you'll isolate yourself from the world. But only for a little while. You will also let everyone know why you're doing what you're doing. You'll probably say that it's best for your mental health. You might even say that the stress that they're putting on you, could honestly be the death of you ONE day. You will want them to understand your side. You will also want them to know that you're only doing this to get better. Them being them...they'll say that you're crazy. They will also suggest that you take some medicine. I need you to prepare yourself for this very moment. When they're stressing you out, what do you do? When you tell them that no person should feel this way, what do they say? Do you sometimes question yourself because everyone else around you questions you? Do you always tell yourself that theres no way that they're not seeing my side. Be...


Ewwww... you have a Narcissist in your presence. Doesn't their presence alone make you want to gag. I personally can't stand people who try too hard to put the blame on you. They find putting their fucked up energy onto you rather soothing, while playing the victim. The thing is their acting skills are never up to par. It's almost quite funny. The lengths that they'd go to, to make it seem like it's all you. It can never be them. They feel as if they can treat you like sh!t, and that you're supposed to take it. But if you choose to not accept what they're trying to throw at you then you're a "bad person." You're the "crazy" one. It's you that's diffcult. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE SENSE OF THIS...BECAUSE I'VE TRIED, AND I'VE GOTTEN NOTHING. We've all met someone like this. They may look innocent. They may also charm the eyes and the ears of their surroundings. No one would believe you, if you were to...

Girl Talk-Be Like Melanie Martinez!!!!

I just want to give Melanie Martinez a round of applause, because if it weren't for her I wouldn't have been able to see the truth. D espite the fact that everthing is fake, I also learned that your life is a mere perception of what you think to be true. What you see yourself as is how others will see you. What you want more of ,you must first become. What you seek is also seeking you. What/who you're thinking about the most, is also thinking about you as well. Feel free to put on your circus glasses before entering my world. That's the only way you'll see the truth. And there's not reading between the lines. I have nothing to hide. Be unexplainable. When others want to explain you to others, make them get all "tongue-tied". I want you to also confuse those around you. Not everyone that presents their ticket to the usher is there to see you perform. Of course they'll be there to see you, but they won't see you. They'll only see...

Round And Round Like A Carousel!!!!

It seems today I've been channeling my circus side. I've been allowing today to be filled with clownish aesthetics. Why though? Am I finally starting to see the world for what it truly is. A circus. When you realize that life is one big illusion, you'll start to move different. Things that might've stressed you out before, will have no residence in your mind. Or will they... because everything is not what it seems! You should be afraid. YOU SHOULD BE VERY AFRAID. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THE CONDUCTOR, WHEN HE SAYS TO HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR HORSE. To be honest the conductor could be a woman, for all that we know. We're in the age of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. Anything is possible... but only if you believe. History will always repeat itself, if you're not listening. History will make it way around if you weren't paying attention. But how many times do you expect the same message, without a result that ends with destruction? No clear message was ever heard ...

You Have To Become Heartless!!!!

When are you going to be HEARTLESS ? When you decided to separate yourself from your old ways... you FUCKED UP. I'm pretty sure you're like me. You knew best when you were younger, but everyone tried their hardest to get you to care. They tried to get you to care about things that simply didn't matter. Why is it you're labeled a "psycho", when certain things don't move you. I wasn't always easy to move, and of course it irriated those who had their own personal agendas. See when you're overly emotional, its easier to control you. When you're easily moved, you won't question things that often need answers. When you're not you, you easily become someone else's target. Be like THE WEEKND, know the game. How will you change the game, if you don't even know the rules? But one thing that the weeknd did was lose both his heart, and his mind. That's not ideal if you're trying to spot the fox. You need one of the...

Stress Kills So.....!!!

Do you feel like me? Is everything starting to become too much? Would you rather everything quiet down for a moment or two? Is your stress coming from a person, place and/or thing, because I really want to know? How are you dealing with such stress, because everyone that you turn to is getting the better of you? I need to know that others are also dealing with stress, but I've always hated the term "DEALING", that word to me always came off as ,you're just choosing to deal with it even though it became a strain on the mental/emotional/psyhical/etc parts of your body. Just choosing to deal with it is not the way of life. Why is it the person that's causing the most harm, wholeheartedly acts like its you and never them? Why does that thing/place make you go ballistic? These questions need answers, and without those answers it'll have you and also me coming back to square one again and again! I know it's up to us to choose not to deal with certai...

Dare To Stand Out!!!!

On this beautiful Friday Morning, I wanted to explain to you why you shouldn't fit in. I know that there are many people like me who feel as if their belonging is for somewhere else other then here. I don't know if I asked in another life to be apart of this very life, but honestly if I could go back in time I would've asked myself " what were you thinking... because WTF." When did this world become to bland? Why is it that when you want to be anything but like everybody else, it's you that gets talked down on. Please can someone explain to me why this is? Weren't we created to be anything but the same, because I beg to differ if we were meant to stay within the crowd. If we all stayed the same... then how would us as a society grow? If we all chose to take on the same personality, how would we as individuals get picked apart from one another? When you realize that we were all created to be anything but average, you'll most definitely n...


This is my second "PINK TALK", they're quite fun. I was thinking... what could come after Wendesday, since Wendesday's are all about pink. It would only be fitting to have another PINK day . Honestly my favorite color is red, but every time I wear pink I end up having a million plus items that are pink to go along with my outfit. I wanted to discuss a VERY important topic! I would love to see more of the girlies staying single, while building their brand. Because honestly when you're trying to balance a relationship, plus starting up a business it can get extremely ugly real quick , because one of the two isn't going to get enough attention. One of the two is going to have a mouth full and the other,is going to give you silent but honest results. The only way this could possibly work out ,is if your boyfriend is a business owner as well. It's like seeing eye to eye! Worrying about a relationship is merely just a disraction. Time is nobodies...

Become Everything That's Required!!!!!

So, this is like my what... third Wednesday Pink Post? I believe so, these are by far my favorite post's to share with you guys. I love taking simple ideas and turning them into something else. This my friend is called "bringing those amazing ideas to life." Why wouldn't you want to see your ideas be on many people's if not everybody's timeline. It's even sweet when you get reaction to your action. Start with an idea, followed by a plan, with the upmost execution. It should be scary to say the least. If the noise in your everyday life is too loud, then it's time to move things around, because your mind is a very powerful tool, and if not used properly could be your greatest setback by far. Today's blog is about not being afraid to become everything that it takes to get everything that you want. You can't get one thing without acquiring many other things. This is probably the most important thing you could take from this entire post...

Do You Feel Restless Too????

I love saying that I feel as if I ran myself into a wall, when I'm tired. I've been sooo tired for far too long, it's crazy that I haven't given up. Most people would've looked at the numbers, and gave up instantly. I've been enjoying the process, but also at what cost? When I'm not busy creating, I find myself giving my time to others that definitely don't deserve it. It's hard to think that I've have come this far to only come this far. Lately I haven't been giving my all in a day, and I hate that. I don't know about you, but it's hard to just rest when you're so used to barely sleeping. It's especially hard when you crave to be busy from sun up to sun down. I never feel productive or like myself when I finally crawl under my sheets. I rarely take naps, but when I do they're always timed. I've been obsessed with time as of lately, because it's free for all, but its also an enemy to all. I said all...

They'll Hate You Like The Joker!!!!

Have you noticed that the "crazy geniuses", are the ones that make history? Have you ever come across an average minded individual, that made the world shake... no ohhh ok? That idea that you're sitting on could change you whole life if you just applied yourself. You have to be ready to get rotten tomatoes thrown at you while in the process. But at the end of the day they're at your show... REMEMBER THAT! I think it's time to break those societal chains, and become what they fear. Who else is obsessed with THE JOKER? In a world like this , you're going to have to do things that are considered crazy to become anything but normal. Let's be more like the joker. Wouldn't life be simpler if we just saw the world how he saw it? When the world figets for items to throw you off course don't ask "why me",instead say "try me!" You don't have to lose your smile, just because everyone else around you decided that it was best...


Some of my most amazing memories, can be reminisced while listening to songs sung by MISS ADELE herself. It was the "21" album that makes me miss certain people, remember events that most would have forgotton,etc. I even find myself missing how outspoken I was back then. I even took my singing voice more seriously back then. Adele is who I'd thank if I ever got the chance. She's who I relate to the most in the music idustry. Her pain is simple to write out, She's not complex, but when listening to her I feel things I've never felt before. She's the loop you go back to if you're wanting to fall all over again. We could learn many things from Adele.For starters her name means noble. I always knew that the words she spoke where of noble notes. Each song by her could have both the King and the Queen coming to Adele for answers to questions only she could respond to. When it burns just listen to Adele. Learn to set fire to what hurts,even if it'...

MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION- You're single Until He Puts A Rock On It!!!!

Aren't you tired of putting all of your eggs into one basket? I had to learn the hard way that basket's break after a while. You're young or you're aging, but like fine wine. Wherever you are on the scale of life, ladies I want you to know that you're single until he puts a ring on it.You aren't obligated to be "faithful", if he's wasting your time. I'd rather you potentially meet PRINCE CHARMING in the mist of seeing where this other guy will take you, because some guys will only take you to the state of shock, if you let them. Now you can stay in that state, but don't complain when you realize none of the godlyness you gave, gave you that "god like man!" Keep your options open, no one can claim you until they claim that hand baby. Stay away from the guys who don't know what they want right off the bat. He should know what he wants, he's TOO grown to not know. Don't let him do the bare minimum, because in th...

PINK TALK~ You Want This For Life Right???

First off hi again. It's Wednesday again? What's the color we swore allegiance to for today?Wow these weeks are going by too fast. I hope you're working on yourself and your goals. What subscriptions do you need to delete to get more work done? Stop only getting things done for the present day. You can very well work on tasks(today) that have your name on it for tomorrow. You need to get more things done. Tomorrow isn't here, which means this calls for you to STOP mentioning it as of today. You have a goal to work on, how about you do that, and stop making excuses. In order for this to work , you have to become delusional. You have to become so FU*KING delusional. When you decide you want this for life you'll go at it. No one should be able to stop you. The only person that can stop you is you. No one is going to see what you see, and that's fine. It's quite soothing to be able to use all your time working on yourself than explaining your belie...

Keep Calm Like Jennifer Aniston!!!!

I remember stating back then that I would blog about the lovely JENNY A. Wait should I call her Jenny, or is that solemly for MISS J-LO? I'm definitely going to be introducing Jenifer Lopez on the platform, but for now let's keep our eyes on Aniston. While it's fun uplifting women, I love to just focus on one lady at a time. I hate the idea of balancing women out(if that makes sense.) I enjoy giving each lady their own spotlight. Two women sharing one spotlight is bound to overshadow one of the two... am I right? Jennifer A. has this "something something" that's subtle yet seductive. Maybe it's her simplicity or maybe it's her "I'm one of the bros, but while doing so I'll be polishing my nails", type of vibe. She's easily magnetic. Her looks are always so effortless yet so cute. Ladies I definitely think that she can very well teach us to have a balance when it comes to our personality. Being classy is a must when you...

Do You Ever Feel Like A Plastic Bag???

Do you feel like a drifter in your own life? If you do that's no fun! Where's the fun in not feeling like you can't take control over your very own life? That must feel awful. Today I want to introduce you to KATY PERRY. If you've heard of her then splendid. If you haven't then... ummm that's ok too, I GUESS. She had me thinking that I kissed a girl. When I'm listening to 'Waking up in Vegas", I would envision myself in Vegas. Do you ever feel you're in Vegas? Like being with that one person, and or thinking about a certain person gives you the same feeling as one would when winning big bucks at a casino slot machine? Does a certain person/event come to mind? Katy Perry is undeniablly that girl. You'd be crazy to not feel the same way that I do! She is someone we could learn from ,if not drag her to hell, while leaving that hell hole with her identity. She's familiar with guys and their antics. She's not afraid to speak o...

Save Your Energy!!!

Aren't you tired of spreading yourself short? Weren't you supposed to get back some change, if I'm not mistaken I saw you giving them big bills. Wouldn't that be considered selling yourself short? Do you find yourself back to where you first met them? has your pet peeves lists grown over the years, because mines has! I don't know about you, but I'm sick of giving my energy to energy vampires. I speak with passion in my tone, wisdom rolling off my tongue, motivation in every sentence, yet there's always something in that speech that was offensive? In your family's eyes you'll always be that bastard child whether you're a son/daughter. you'll also be the "off putting" parent. Your significant other will find even more creative ways to talk down on you. Those so called "friends" that you're too afraid to depart from are doing you more harm mentality than any other person you've ran across. You need to save ...