MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION-Say My Name I Wanna Hear You!!!!

Ughhh I can't believe I haven't been posting many 'MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION" posts. These are so close to my CLOLD heart. They're up there with PINK WEDNESDAY'S to be honest. I love posts like these, because this gives me a reason to be unholy. I have an excuse to turn my cross upside down, and there's nothing you can say... because you too do things that aren't god like! Stop acting so perfect. THere's no way you can be perfect. Its not possible. The only thing close to perfection is HELL. whether you want to admit that or not. But please don't run away... you reading this doesn't mean you'll stay in hell. This is only to take a trip there so relax. Ladies don't you just love hearing him say your name. Isn't it amusing to hear him beg for you to take him over the edge? Doesn't your skin crawl when pain brings him joy, or is it when he puts his soul on the line just to feel you for the night. Even though you both kn...