Some of my most amazing memories, can be reminisced while listening to songs sung by MISS ADELE herself. It was the "21" album that makes me miss certain people, remember events that most would have forgotton,etc. I even find myself missing how outspoken I was back then. I even took my singing voice more seriously back then. Adele is who I'd thank if I ever got the chance. She's who I relate to the most in the music idustry. Her pain is simple to write out, She's not complex, but when listening to her I feel things I've never felt before. She's the loop you go back to if you're wanting to fall all over again.
We could learn many things from Adele.For starters her name means noble. I always knew that the words she spoke where of noble notes. Each song by her could have both the King and the Queen coming to Adele for answers to questions only she could respond to. When it burns just listen to Adele. Learn to set fire to what hurts,even if it's the rain. But only when the fire is affecting you shall you pour water on the flames. Grow up only enough to see things for what they are, other than that the world should still be able to see the child in you. You should be of inspiration to others going through their personal struggles. Adele should have taught you to make that phone call. It doesn't need to be perfect, but make sure you channel those emotions you may have been too scared to dabble into when you were younger. A simple "HELLO", is enough, just pick up that phone. OH MY GODDD JUST GET IT OVER WITH, BUT DON'T DO IT TOO QUICKLY, YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO FORGET THE MESSAGE YOU'RE TRYING TO GET ACROSS. Learn to ask others how they are! Know when "RUMOURS ARE JUST RUMOURS." Be okay with leaving the table if it's not serving a purpose. They're just "TURNING TABLES." Her song "someone like you" holds a special place in my heart. When I think of pain, this is the song that forever lives in 3 places. This song definitely is of some sort of trinity. DON'T FORGET THAT THINGS THAT HURT THE MOST WILL ALWAYS LAST IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, EVEN IF YESTERDAY WAS THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE. WISH THOSE WHO HURT YOU, THE BEST. OHHHHH TRUST ME IT'LL HURT. IT'LL BE BITTERSWEET OF COURSE, BUT IT HAPPENED. JUST REMEMBER WHAT THEY SAID. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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