Round And Round Like A Carousel!!!!

It seems today I've been channeling my circus side. I've been allowing today to be filled with clownish aesthetics. Why though? Am I finally starting to see the world for what it truly is. A circus. When you realize that life is one big illusion, you'll start to move different. Things that might've stressed you out before, will have no residence in your mind. Or will they... because everything is not what it seems! You should be afraid. YOU SHOULD BE VERY AFRAID. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO THE CONDUCTOR, WHEN HE SAYS TO HOLD ON TIGHT TO YOUR HORSE.
To be honest the conductor could be a woman, for all that we know. We're in the age of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT. Anything is possible... but only if you believe. History will always repeat itself, if you're not listening. History will make it way around if you weren't paying attention. But how many times do you expect the same message, without a result that ends with destruction? No clear message was ever heard without a bit of chaos mixed within the equation. We'll continue to meet here, until one of us gets it right. I'm giving you the permission to move on when you finally do! WHY AM I STARTING TO SOUND MORE LIKE THE MAD HATTER THAN THE DAMN CLOWN. YOU'LL GET THE MESSAGE EVENTUALLY... BUT UNTIL THEN MEET ME IN THE DRESSING ROOM. I WAS TOLD THAT YOU NEEDED HELP PUTTING ON YOUR RED NOSE. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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