Become Everything That's Required!!!!!

So, this is like my what... third Wednesday Pink Post? I believe so, these are by far my favorite post's to share with you guys. I love taking simple ideas and turning them into something else. This my friend is called "bringing those amazing ideas to life." Why wouldn't you want to see your ideas be on many people's if not everybody's timeline. It's even sweet when you get reaction to your action. Start with an idea, followed by a plan, with the upmost execution. It should be scary to say the least. If the noise in your everyday life is too loud, then it's time to move things around, because your mind is a very powerful tool, and if not used properly could be your greatest setback by far.
Today's blog is about not being afraid to become everything that it takes to get everything that you want. You can't get one thing without acquiring many other things. This is probably the most important thing you could take from this entire post. One desire may need a whole other list of things needed to get that "one desire". Ladies fear not to become it all. You're not over doing it, so stop listening to the advice of others, who'd walk out the house looking very forgettable. Stop listening to those ugly guys when they say you're doing the most. Trust me you'll ALWAYS be "doing the most", around people who only believe in doing the least. Guys stop listening to your so called friends when they say they'd never do that for a women. Learn to spot out a loser at all times. There's no such thing as doing the most for a lady. A lot of guys know this, but this generation,era, and society has become so bland and worst of all lazy as well as broke. CALLING A GUY A BITCH WHEN NECESSARY IS SELF CARE, AND KNOWING WHEN TO LOVE WHEN OTHER PEOPLE CALL YOU A BITCH IS HOLY( to all my ladies) I can't believe I had to explain myself to a guy that liked me how I only like men who provide for their lady!!!! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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