MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION- Tell Everyone To Shut The F!ck Up Like Kat!!!!!!

This was LONG OVERDUE, but you know WHO you're supposed to do... I mean WHAT you're supposed to do... but it keeps getting pushed back further and further. Yeah I'm sorry KAT, because its you who I'd be if we're speaking on EUPHORIA terms. I feel like I already resonated with your personality. I too was that girl that everyone looked past. Sure I had my own friend groups that consists of my girls, but I too felt so alone. I too wanted to feel something more. Something different. Something dark. Maybe wrapped in patent leather? I didn't know what I wanted/needed but I knew I needed to be apart of something more, even if it meant putting myself on the deep dark web.
To all my ladies never fear change. Never not listen to your inner demon. Your demon knows best. And to all my super duper religious people, we'll just call it your "spiritual doctor" You as a person knows whats best for you. We know when its time to be something of a better caliber. Even if it means changing our identity, or hiding our original identity to pull a catwoman when the sun goes down. Know your style. Listen to no one when they say what they feel looks best on you. Hell they don't even know what looks best on them. Was kat's boyfriend the guy she needed or was she just confused? If you were to ask me the "good guys" are the best guys, but sometimes too much googy goody could make even an EXPERIENCED all nighter want to go to sleep. KAT WANTED TO CRAWL INTO A F!CKING HOLE AND DIE!!! DO YOU TOO LITERALLY HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE... LIKE KAT?? xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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