Escape From Where You're At!!!!

Not gonna lie I was going to make this blog late tonight, but I instantly became energized. So why would I waste that energy. Why should you waste that spark of energy that you recieve? Its like being given a blessing, would you waste that blessing? Would you expect another blessing, because you missed the concept of the first blessing? Not all the time will you be given a golden window! I felt the need to leave this earthly realm. And who could get me there faster? Who could help me CUM... I mean COME to another version of me. If you guessed THE WEEKND... then you're right. I've accepted that the weekends's are entirely for you to slip and lose yourself. You don't have to stay on earth if it isn't feeding your soul anymore!
Just like THE WEEKND wanted to "escape From LA", why not escape from whats holding you back? You don't have to stay where you know isnt allowing you to be who you're meant to be! Who told you that you had to stay in that toxic environment? When you start to see things for what they really are ,you'll begin to look at the chess board with a new set of eyes. What you want requires a new vision. when everything stays the same, why not remove yourself from the equation? I think I have THE WEEKND tattooed on my mind... but I'm not like the rest I'd never get a guy let alone anyone's name tattooed on my skin. Everything is never what it seems. IF YOU'VE SEEN WHAT I SEEN YOU WOULDN'T SLEEP DON'T YOU WANT TO HAVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED. IF HE'S THE ONE FEEL FREE TO CLOSE THE DOOR AND POP IT FOR HIM. BUT ONLY IF HE'S THE ONE. AND WHILE THEY GET WORK DONE ON THEIR FACE YOU LET YOUR'S STAY THE SAME. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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