Congrats to Gabourey Sidibe!!!!!

Who else is overly happy for MISS GABOUREY S.? She's the definition that you can have anything you want if you truly believe in yourself. The best thing you could do in a world like this one is to stay/remain secure with yourself, because if you don't then who will? Who will spot the beauty in you, if you don't see it in yourself? It takes you loving yourself first before others will follow suit. What could you as a BROWN WOMAN LEARN FROM MISS... I MEAN MRS. SIDIBE(does she go by her Husband's name?)
I love seeing black women straying away from the norm. I love seeing you leave the table when you're not being properly served. But if you're still with that low quality dusty... why? Why are you wasting your life with a little boy? You're wasting your best years with a no good guy? I'm going to keep asking why!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? Who said that you couldn't interracial date? Who said a "Brandon", didnt like you or could ever like you? Who forbade you happiness outside your race? Because I'm genuinely curious, as to why you're listening to them. You're loved by other races of men I promise. You just have to be ready to accept your worthiness. So stop being lame and start studying women like Gabourey Sidibe.
I couldn't sleep it's 3:20am... do you ever feel like someone is watching you??? Ewww it just might be my past lovers...they must want me to break their hearts again. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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