You know what? You're amazing, I know the world has tried in one way or another to break you, and guess what you're still here! We live in a world where everyone is here, but no one is HERE. Why do we pass each other without looking up? Why don't we want to know whats real? You'll never know who is who, if you choose to live within your head. Being around too much fakiness causes you to know nothing of what could be real. Being able to know yourself is vital. Its the first step to knowing what you're capable of, which helps you become closer to your purpose. Stay away from people who don't seem to take the time to figure you out.
You don't have to blend in/fit in. That's lame, even if that calls for you to be alone most times then thats what it takes. You're strong and most of all you're amazing, so stop wasting your time questioning yourself. You know what needs to be done to live on your own terms. Separate yourself from the person that you use to be, if thats the reason for your stagnancy. You have to do what it takes to become something different. Positive affirmations makes a difference whether you want to admit it or not. Fill your life with things that you adore, and take out whats not serving you. Its that simple, its also mind blowing if you think about it for too long. So make today the day to know thyself. Let this Saturday be the first step towards your best self!!! THEY NEVER CARED TO ASK WHO YOU REALLY WERE SO FORGET TO INCLUDE THEM INTO YOUR NEW LIFE. JUST LIKE YOU I HAVE PAIN THAT THEY'LL NEVER FEEL.


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