MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION- You're single Until He Puts A Rock On It!!!!

Aren't you tired of putting all of your eggs into one basket? I had to learn the hard way that basket's break after a while. You're young or you're aging, but like fine wine. Wherever you are on the scale of life, ladies I want you to know that you're single until he puts a ring on it.You aren't obligated to be "faithful", if he's wasting your time. I'd rather you potentially meet PRINCE CHARMING in the mist of seeing where this other guy will take you, because some guys will only take you to the state of shock, if you let them. Now you can stay in that state, but don't complain when you realize none of the godlyness you gave, gave you that "god like man!"
Keep your options open, no one can claim you until they claim that hand baby. Stay away from the guys who don't know what they want right off the bat. He should know what he wants, he's TOO grown to not know. Don't let him do the bare minimum, because in the end you'll be the one left to pick up the pieces. Guys will not "do", if you don't ask. So ladies hear me out when I say to be bad at love, and he can't expect you to try if he's not doing his part.SIMPLE. Remember If you stay to play a dead game, that'll only lead to a dead end. LITTLE A** RING... WTF IS THAT SH!T? HE'S NOT PUTTING A ROCK IN ME UNLESS THERE'S A ROCK ON ME TF. xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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