You're The Other You!!!

It's Gemini Season... don't you want to know why you feel like someone else. I know exactly how you're feeling. You're feeling like someone else,but that person seems awfully familiar... right? You're becoming someone you feel so close to, like maybe you were this person but in another life? In this season do you feel like you'd rather watch yourself through a glass window? The truth is there's a new energy in the air, and it's agenda is to have you doing what you've always wanted to do, even if it means channeling someone/something else. While you're hoping to stay/remain the same, there's a such thing as the laws of nature. It's not normal to remain the same, at some point you're forced to move even if that means being pushed knowing that its your face that you'll fall on in the process.
What comes to mind when you think of a Gemini? A second person? A second version of you? A mere copy of you? Or another you... but having a set of differences. The reason you're feeling like you want to do this while wanting to do that, is because in this season you're given a "twin." You're given another you, maybe to channel an energy like yours to have the abilities to do what needs to be done. Do you find yourself wanting to take matters into your own hands? Why are you thinking of creating a vision board? Maybe an upgraded vision board? Well whatever it is... DON'T LET THIS TWIN LIKE ENERGY PASS YOU UP.. ONE TWIN SEEMS TO BE THE NICE ONE WHILE THE OTHER TWIN SEEMS TO BE THE CREEPY ONE. WHICH ONE ARE YOU????? WHEN THE GOING GETS WEIRD, THE WEIRD TURNS PRO!!! xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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