
Showing posts from August, 2022

PINK WEDNESDAY'S~ It's Okay to be a Ditz like Pink Panther!!!!

It was only fitting that THE PINK PANTHER, would make an appearance on the ItGirl platform? I kinda of thought my blogs were giving both nostalgia and icon vibes... but apparently not if you're not feeling the whole pink panther vibes. It's wednesday... so why don't we leave earth for a bit, to have a little fun. And yes the fun will be PINK! I don't think there's any other way to have fun, if you want me to be frank with you. So without further or do, what can we learn from the PINK PANTHER? We all know how much of a clumsy pants the PINK PANTHER was, yet he seemed to solve every case with flying colors. Some might even say the colors were PINK... if you know what I'm saying. Never give up when you're feeling down. This will only make you feel worse. TRUST ME... AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO FALLS INTO THIS TRAP. Be interesting if you know what I mean. If you ever got the chance to see a PINK PANTHER, would you look the other way, or would you stop and...

MIDNIGHT THOUGHTS~ Love Me or Let Me Go!!!!

Just because it's MIDNIGHT, shouldn't be the very excuse you fall into old emotional patterns. Yes we all know when we're forced to see the night slowly and insidiously transtion into another day, but this still shouldn't be the very reason you take thirty steps back. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating. Maybe it's twenty or even fifteen steps instead of thirty, but either way you backtracked and that's not healthy. For the rest of this year I don't know about you, but I'm striving to be healthy in all aspects. Do know that no one can be truly healthy, if their mind is still clogged. You have to cleanse, before you can repopulate. Please make it a habit to know yourself and to cherish yourself, because if you don't do this... then who do you expect will? You have to love yourself, while being okay with freeing yourself from unhealed people. You have to think about yourself. Is what you're doing helping and or serving you? Can you beco...

Burn The Empire by Not Being Lazy!!!!!

I'm back. I did say that I would not leave this segment unattented. I'll give you a recap, if you've forgotten. Do you the remember "BURNING YOUR OWN CASTLE" segment? If you do remember that portion of my blog posts, then you'd remember the ending to that interesting beginning. I remember saying something along the lines; " Burning castles doesn't mean it's all over. Most castles lead to empires." So, here I am. I'm back, to pick back up where I left off. I always say to finish what you previously enjoyed. I enjoyed telling you how to burn down what hurt you. I also said that you can most definitely grow in places, that once stifled you. Who's to say that you can't claim, what didn't claim you? Your small minded thinking, will only leave you out in the cold. And who wants to be stuck out in the cold, when a storm is brewing close by? There's only one way to reclaim what was taken.It will require you to work ...

Manipulative Mondays (2) ~ Trust What You See!!!!

What did you do yesterday, that'll for sure make today a bit easier? We should see and also know that anything is possible. Just because you've yet to see the possibilites that the world has to offer, doesn't give you the right to stop what could potentially catapult you into the future. So yes it's best to work for five days in one days time. We're trying to bypass the mark, instead of just hitting it. With each spark of inspiration should you take full advantage of that. Hold yourself accountable. Make every day your day. In order to be infinte one must work for infinity. There's no other way to achieve what you're wishing to achieve. All you have to do is work hard, like your life depends on it. Work on things you wish to make public. So it's another Monday... which means it's another Monday to be Manipulated. My mission behind this new segment is to set the captains free. But I can't do this, if you don't see the magic that ...

Don't Trust Your Reflection!!!

Did you miss my ditigal circus? Or are you still suffering from my last circus? Either way we're back, and it would be best to suck it up before the opening act. I hear this act involves mirrors. I also heard that no one makes it out the same. Of course I wouldn't know how to wish you luck, but... I'll let you in on a little secret. If you find yourself getting lost within the mirrors, then just know that whatever you see isn't really what you're seeing. Mirrors are portals so if you make it your mission to ignore what you're seeing, you might just have a chance. Why are you so keen on believing everything that you're seeing? Not all mirrors are available to be truthful. Some mirrors are in fact only around to deceive you. And if you're not right within, you'll constantly be a fool to man made lies. Not knowing the creator to all of your mishaps will forever leave you being open to being used in public situations. Never trust that you can...

PINK THURSDAY~ Don't Be Afraid!!!!

Why are you so afraid to level up? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have been granted the vision, if you couldn't fulfill this vision. Why must you be afraid? Yeah waking up one day, and realizing that you want better, is scary especially if you've been so used to letting life sleep on you. But getting your life in order is also very rewarding. Choosing to walk the lonely path is scary, but there's always a gift at every stop and go. If you begin to think like this, then who can really redirect your steps, when walking with determination? So let's talk: leveling up, and why you shouldn't be afraid... but of course we're going to discuss this important matter under PINK lights. You can have it all when you choose to level up. Your past worries can easily become a thing of the past, that is if you're good with cutting ties. Leveling up requires you to cut the cords with old and stale habits that aren't serving you anymore. It can be al...


Hey. Hey. Hey. It's never a normal day when it's a Wednesday. I mean how could it be, if today is PINK WEDNESDAY. Nothing can ever be normal if the vision is PINK . What iconic icon has ever seemed normal when in the presence of pink? I've yet to lay eyes on anyone who has done this, so why are you walking around instead of struting around? Get it in your head, when I say this. Society as a whole has a bird brain, so if you walk like you're somebody, then everybody will be forced to address you as such. So do your thang, because we don't judge over here on the ItGirl Platform. The goal is to always walk with style and a hefty purpose as well. Why would you want to walk like anything less? It would be quite insulting to every socialite who has ever broke necks instead of gently turning necks. It would be downgrade if you're deciding to look past my blogs. Today's topic is a gentle one,with a bit of sass. Let's talk about having a persona...

Manipulative Monday's

Don't you just love the way these two words mesh well together? Don't you just see, how well they both go hand in hand with one another? I mean there are people, who are still looking at Monday's, like Monday's are the enemy. But here's the thing I'll keep saying the same thing over and over, until you catch what I'm throwing down. If you don't love what you're currently doing, then of course Monday's would be considered the devil to you. But then there are some people who despise Monday's, because even though Monday's are considered to be a fresh start, it's not considered to be a fresh start for them. Most times these people can never seem to get a break, because instead of having a Major Monday or a miraculous Monday, they're always having a Monday that consist of massive manipulation. The good thing when it comes to manipulation, is it's easy to turn off if you're fully aware that you're being manipul...


Like I said this was going to be a new and profound SEGMENT. I think that this new segment can do wonders for the wonderous minds. I truly believe that us spiritual people have it harder than hard. We tend to attract those who don't particuarly like us, because we see them for who they truly are. Disgusting things will always despise great things. If you remember this cute little quote by the one and only me, you'll begin to change your way of thinking. You'll begin to move different. You will begin to open new doorways to your higher level of thinking. And yes this state of thinking can be unlocked if that's what you're looking to do. Things can be done but only if you allow them to happen. I remember discussing in last Sunday's blog post about energy draining. So let's pick back up where we left off... shall we? We have the power to feel how we what to feel. If you want to hold the cards, you have to be willing to understand this concept....


Whether you were born in the fifties or the nineties, you and I both know that you're still believing certain things that just aren't making sense anymore. I hope you know that your beliefs is like believing in a ghost that has already [and or long ago], made peace with their death. So of course you're not going to see this ghost if they've already made peace with their past circumstances. You're choosing to believe in nothing, when there are multiple something's to believe in. I truly believe that people become what they believe. If you're a paraniod F*CK... then you become what stirs up your worsts paranoias. And if you're a silent witness, then you'll forever witness your ownself standing down, while in rooms that are meant to be stood in. You have to get what I'm throwing, or you'll be forced to play a game of boomerang. But after awhile, even I know when it's time to walk away from unlearnt and repeated lessons. Want...


It's another succesful PINK WEDNESDAY. I'm not allowing anyone to stand in my way, when it comes to tackling MY day. Once you relinquish people of their duties [prompted by your own self] ,you'll begin to realize that only you hold the cards in addition to the power. It's your birth right to see the world for what it truly is. You can only become unruly, when you allow others to stand in your way, while they speak negativity onto you. Understand this concept, and you'll not only understand and fully know your worth, but you'll also quickly understand the world and it's many vibrations. But now that I have your spiritual attention, I'd like to invite you to go bowling with me. DIGITALLY OF COURSE. Here are the rules for a successful bowling outing. You have to wear PINK of course. You have to leave your self doubt at home... or better yet leave it far far away from your place of zen. When you begin to separate yourself from your negative ...

The Tenacity in Tuesday's!!!

It's Tuesday, which is another day for you to be thankful for. It's another day to change what needs changing. Change will always reveal it's self in due time. You just have to be a bit more patient, if you haven't gotten your sign to redirect yourself. Or maybe you have, but you're still questioning what you've just seen. If this is the case then... maybe you might just need a little more motivation to move along. You should really introduce the word TENACITY into your vocabulary. Why should you do this? I think you should consider this word, especially if you've been doing just as the definition states. Have you been firmly holding onto things that aren't serving you? Or are you holding onto things that have the potential, but you're not creating some distance to see what's trying to be shown. You have to understand that some things require you to take a step back to see the actual picture. I feel like the only way to see bo...

MIDNIGHT SEDUCTION~ It's okay to feel nothing!!!

It's suprised that I'm making this blog post, when I'm on the brink of losing myself. I always speak about making someone else go over the edge, but I think this time It's me who's falling over. But here's the thing, I'm okay with that. I'm okay with being labled the crazy person, or the confusing person. I've come to the realization that most people will never know the real me, and that's A-ok. The question is, is that okay with you. Are you okay with people having their own narrative about you? Can you live with people not knowing the real you? Do you always find yourself over explaining to people who under value you as a person? If so please stop, because you'll only hurt yourself in the end. To be honest, I've missed this portion of my blog posts. I missed this SEGMENT so much. I can't believe I ghosted this side of me. I can't even fathom the fact that, I'm always speaking about indulging into things...

After Hours ~ I WANT OUT!!!

I'm not going to even ask you why you're still up, because who said that you had to do, what most people would do when it's dark outside. Who said your spirit would begin to relax when the sun sets? I've come to an understanding, when it comes to troubled souls. I came to the conclusion that some of us are beyond gone... but that doesn't mean we can't be found. No person is truly lost. If you wish to be found then shall that be your outcome. But like I said you have to really want to be seen in unseen places. But anyways I'm here once again, for an AFTERHOURS SPILL SESS. So do what you do best, and come to the back of my digital store to hear what I've got to say. I wanted to spill my guts. I wanted to resonate with someone. I know I'm not the only one, that has to unfortunately deal with depression and anxiety. But here's the thing, sometimes what we carry isn't ours to carry. Sometimes we're suffering, from other peo...

Set The Motion for Monday's

How much do you truly dislike or like your job? You have to ask yourself this repeatedly, until you come up with a feasible answer. You have to let yourself feel, what needs to be felt. You have to also be okay with what you're choosing to feel. You have to honestly feel. Honesty will always be the greatest policy. It can be discouraging when you know deep in your soul that your job, isn't brining in any fulfillment that most people speak of. It's also torturous when you've been made to believe, that jobs are supposed to be unliked. I feel like most of society can agree with this. How many times has someone told you to stick beside your job, that you completely dislike or disliked? How many times have you went back to the drawing board, to make yourself feel what you don't feel? Have you even went to and or created, your own personalized board to reassist what needs assistance? I enjoy Monday's, because it gives me a chance to evaluate how I...


If I came to you and asked you what have you always wanted, what would you tell me in return? Would you shutter and hesitate or would you say everything with your chest? Would you question my intentions or would you trust that I would give you the right motivation to get what you've always wanted? Because it's true... you can have everything that you've always wanted. But how though? How can a person that's so used to getting what they've always never wanted, get what they've always ever wanted? How does this happen? It's quite simple actually. The biggest thing you have to overcome is the word SIMPLE. Even though it lives up to it's definition, it's not as simple to those who are so used to making things not so simple. Did you get what I just said, or are you still in the process of making this one step equation a twelve step equation? Tell me where you went when I told you where you needed to go. Even though its PINK THURSDAY , thi...

PINK WEDNESDAY~ They Don't Like the Fact That You're Winning!!!

I could start this blog off by saying if people don't like that you're winning, let that be your motivation to win even more. I could also very well end this blog post here, because honestly this is great advice. We should always do more when in the face of haters. Why though? Why not just let them be? Why not just let them think how they want to think? All of these questions are in fact very accurate... but where's the fun in being just good? Why don't you want to be better than you already are. I thought the goal was to pubically appear naturally talented at something, even if it took you a thousand in one tries to get it right privately. I thought we were supposed to dead the competition, and the only way you can do that is if you make your opponents, believe that they stand zero chances when in the same room as you. But I could be wrong, or I could be right. But I do know that today is Wednesday which means it's actually PINK WEDNESDAY. I thi...


I'm not even going to ask why you're still up, because to be honest we're all fighting something. And most times it requires us to fight at night as well. When everyone is sleeping most of us are fighting to not throw our whole life away. If this is resonating with you please feel free to unpack. And if this isn't you well greatttttt. I guess you can't relate to Marilyn Monroe's quote; "Who said the nights were for sleeping." I wanted this blog post to be overly relatable, because why would I not want to relate to the people who constantly, stop by to see what I've got to say. I honestly was so pissed, I wanted to go to the gym to relieve some stress. Don't you just despise people who can't seem to stay out of your business? I think this blog post relates to one of my post I made the other day. I just haven't made it public yet. But anyways... too many people love to bother you, until you become bothersome. But here'...


Will you allow this new SEGMENT, into your subconcious? If so let's begin. I feel like Monday's are major. Why do I think this? Well the reason for this thinking is, because today's the day to start something new. It's the day to gather all the energy you gave yourself over the weekend, to really go after what you aspire to do. Nothing is hard if it's a passion of yours. Things will always be hard, if you continue to make them hard. But why would you want to make things complex? This will never make sense to me. What you're currently doing has proven time and time again that it isn't working, and it isn't ever going to work. Accept this and move on. BAM!!!! How easy was that. You have the power to drop whatever weight is keeping you here. You can't continue living the way that you're living. We're only getting older. The only way to grow and enjoy your life, is to take control over your life. I'll keep saying this until...


I promise this segment still exist, but when new ideas come along I have to tend to those while they're still fresh on my mind. And speaking of fresh... yes we do use fresh ingredients at our ditigal dinner. We don't cut corners like most diners do... This doesn't mean you should turn your nose up at other establishments, it just means to be more watchful when making decisions. You should never make decisions when you're hungry, unless it's at my diner. I promise I wouldn't lead you where no one goes... or maybe I would. Maybe I would tell you to do what most wouldn't. Maybe I would tell you to better your life, if it meant doing this to change your life. So while I'm not all that busy, I'd like to go over the new SUNDAY SPECIAL for this sunday. If you want to try our new dish, you won't regret your decision for your first meal of the day. We have our new BUTTERSCOTH FRENCH TOAST, WITH FIESTA JUST EGGS, AND A SIDE OF DRAGON FRUIT ...


You know what's annoying... or irritating shall I say? I find it suckish when you plan to take control over your life, but time and time again, you're constantly waking up feeling more drained than the day before. Do you know the feeling of feeling like you're always stuck in a rut? It's like everyday is the same. Is today even Sunday, if I woke up feeling like this yesterday? Some days I know I'm making sense, but while standing in the face of the despicables you're making no sense. If you're relating, you should continue to keep reading. I want to blow your mind... but spiritually of course. Yes feeling stuck within a rut is frustrating, especially when you don't have the energy to fix what needs fixing. But here's the thing, sometimes the rut that you think is your own rut, is actually not your rut at all. Do you believe in energy, and the power it holds and or carries? If you believe this simple yet oh so complex concept, you...


It's been awhile . I know you missed this segment, because why wouldn't you. I had to remind myself to come back to myself, and remember my roots. I managed to get soooo caught up in other things, that I forgot about this important series. But how does one forget something that comes around at the end of every week? It's like forgetting that the moon comes out to listen to our greatest whispers. It's insanity knocking at your door twice, but expecting it to say where you FU*KED up. Like I just said, it just doesn't happen. So will you take this moment to lose yourself to the weekend. But rememeber THE WEEKND, takes us to the cosmos. So are you ready to leave this place. I have a feeling there's so much more to see since we've been gone. Let's talk about you, and how others see you. I think this is important, because some times we tend to view ourselves too high on other people's mental list. We all have a mental list. You know the o...

Bring Your Best Poker Face!!!!

Do you think the world is really ending, or do you just think the circus is in town? Either way The Circus is back and more magical than ever. I'm sorry You guys had to wait, but even a ring leader knows when it's time to let the audience take control over their own mind. Because all of you know when you enter my circus, it's your mind that has to stay at the entrance. You can never come to a circus, thinking the way that you would normally think. Circuses aren't for normal people with normal minds. There're meant for extraordinary people, who see the real world as nothing but a means to an end. At the circus life goes on and on. It's not really a place for the people with weak stomachs. I'm here to talk about your facial expression. Why is it that I can see what you're thinking, without you ever telling me what you're actually thinking? I think you need to address this very thing. I shouldn't be able to know you, without ever really...

PINK TALK THURSDAY~ Stop Holding Your Breath!!!!!

We're here to talk about your emotions, and how holding certain things in could potentially destroy you. We're human we need to feel things. For the longest time I swore by not feeling what needed to be felt. But to be honest I had to suffer the consequences of being too cold. But no I wasn't asked to be cold in a lukewarm society. Things just happened. That's my excuse. What's your excuse, as to why you're not letting go of stale energy? How long do you expect to live a way that's not supposed to be lived? Do you have any idea the price you'd pay, if not wanting to detach? But anyways why not get comfortable, and allow me to take you on a quick and digestable rollercoaster ride. But don't worry everything on my rollercoaster is in PINK. DUHHHHHH. We should be doing everything for our higher good in one way or another. I know it can be hard to breathe when the air is moldy, but you're going to have to try. You're going to have...

PINK WEDNESDAY ~ Don't Trust The Now!!!

I'm pretty sure I've told you to be grateful for the present, and I'm sure you've heard it from others as well... but hear me out. Yes be grateful for being here today, but don't get wrapped up in the fakeness of it all. Things are happening that we cannot explain. Veils are being lifted spiritually, and things are exposing themslves daily. Don't for a second get caught up in the madness. This is the time to work on yourself. This isn't the time to be a shoulder and or a hand to those around you. people tend to distract those, who already have a plan in motion to not get distracted, by everyone and their own stressors. There is truth in people sniffing you out before you ever walk into a room. Have you ever wondered why people act so weird, or overly negative without ever knowing you? The reason for this is, they can see things you can't. They can see past your meatsuit, but they'll never tell you. So this is why I'm telling yo...

You Can Decided What to do Next!!!!

I have to tell you what you need to hear, because some people slay their demons and they never get praised . We all could use some praise, when we've done what most wouldn't and or couldn't do. You did something that could've ended your entire being. You are what they would call a TRUE WARRIOR. In order to make it to see the end, one must fight each fight with dignity and most of all... heart. Without heart what would you be doing this for? Who would you be doing this for, if not for yourself. So yes I'm here to congratulate you for sticking through the tough and the rough times. This burning of your own castle required all of you. It required you to play at all sides of the table. It needed you to be many things that you weren't before. I mean you had to trust that both your friends and or acquaintances, wouldn't play your side to only consume your tides. You had to hold your horses, and we all know how challenging that can be. This can be a t...

You Deserve to Be Free from the Narc/Gas lighter!!!!

You deserve a life that's free of gaslighting and Narcissism. Life isn't meant to be controlled by those around you. Life is meant to be claimed by the ACTUAL vessel, that just so happens to be living that certain life. It should never be the other way around. Sometimes it may seem like your life is meant to be lived the way that you're currently living it... but it's not. I promise life is fruitful. I promise you that most of the things, that you brush off as normal is definitely beyond normal. No one should be living through you, when it's your life. You are the author of your story, but it does suck when your life becomes a panel, for others who can't take advantage of their own life. Here's the thing, when you begin to study those who wreak havoc onto your life, you'll slowly begin to realize one thing. These particular people are unhealed. They also tend to be unhealed in numerous of areas in their own life. But I can also say t...