PINK WEDNESDAY'S~ It's Okay to be a Ditz like Pink Panther!!!!

It was only fitting that THE PINK PANTHER, would make an appearance on the ItGirl platform? I kinda of thought my blogs were giving both nostalgia and icon vibes... but apparently not if you're not feeling the whole pink panther vibes. It's wednesday... so why don't we leave earth for a bit, to have a little fun. And yes the fun will be PINK! I don't think there's any other way to have fun, if you want me to be frank with you. So without further or do, what can we learn from the PINK PANTHER? We all know how much of a clumsy pants the PINK PANTHER was, yet he seemed to solve every case with flying colors. Some might even say the colors were PINK... if you know what I'm saying. Never give up when you're feeling down. This will only make you feel worse. TRUST ME... AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO FALLS INTO THIS TRAP. Be interesting if you know what I mean. If you ever got the chance to see a PINK PANTHER, would you look the other way, or would you stop and...