PINK TALK THURSDAY~ Stop Holding Your Breath!!!!!

We're here to talk about your emotions, and how holding certain things in could potentially destroy you. We're human we need to feel things. For the longest time I swore by not feeling what needed to be felt. But to be honest I had to suffer the consequences of being too cold. But no I wasn't asked to be cold in a lukewarm society. Things just happened. That's my excuse. What's your excuse, as to why you're not letting go of stale energy? How long do you expect to live a way that's not supposed to be lived? Do you have any idea the price you'd pay, if not wanting to detach? But anyways why not get comfortable, and allow me to take you on a quick and digestable rollercoaster ride. But don't worry everything on my rollercoaster is in PINK. DUHHHHHH.
We should be doing everything for our higher good in one way or another. I know it can be hard to breathe when the air is moldy, but you're going to have to try. You're going to have to learn to breathe out and not bottle everything in. We all know that after awhile ballons burst when too much helium is given. We also know that when things burst it usually isn't fun. The noise alone could shatter nearby eyes. The aftermath could cut those who choose to clean up the mess, if the object is made of glass. I feel as though the world has witnessed so many people lose battles, because they let false emotions bring them down. Over due emotions will always turn into false emotions. Never forget that. So my question to you is will you choose to breathe out after you breathe in?
OUT WITH THE OLD AND END WITH THE NEW. UNLESS IT'S PINK OF COURSE!!! you know you love me xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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