It's another succesful PINK WEDNESDAY. I'm not allowing anyone to stand in my way, when it comes to tackling MY day. Once you relinquish people of their duties [prompted by your own self],you'll begin to realize that only you hold the cards in addition to the power. It's your birth right to see the world for what it truly is. You can only become unruly, when you allow others to stand in your way, while they speak negativity onto you. Understand this concept, and you'll not only understand and fully know your worth, but you'll also quickly understand the world and it's many vibrations. But now that I have your spiritual attention, I'd like to invite you to go bowling with me. DIGITALLY OF COURSE.
Here are the rules for a successful bowling outing. You have to wear PINK of course. You have to leave your self doubt at home... or better yet leave it far far away from your place of zen. When you begin to separate yourself from your negative self, you can quickly start to think more clearly. Clarity will always be needed in redirecting your footsteps. Rule number three, Know who you're going to go by. How can the world treat you and or respect you, if you have no clue who you go by? Whether you want to go by your actual name or your nickname, get crystal clear, on who and or what you want to go by. Rule number four, know a game from a tournament. I'm a friend to you. I wouldn't invite you, only to embarrass you. If you aren't aware of your need for attention, then you need to be aware of that now. And no this doesn't mean, that I can't handle my friends getting unwanted attention. But when you choose to go to war with your friends, who do you think will stand beside you.. if not your friends? Rule number five, A plan without a target, is best compared to a dead end. It's as simple as that. I don't think I need to further discuss that topic. So without further or do, get ready I'll be over to pick you up... say around PINK 0' CLOCK.
WHEN YOU WEAR PINK, YOU CAN KNOCK EM ON ON THEIR FEET!!!! Have a beautiful PINK DAY, because I know you love me xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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