Burn The Empire by Not Being Lazy!!!!!

I'm back. I did say that I would not leave this segment unattented. I'll give you a recap, if you've forgotten. Do you the remember "BURNING YOUR OWN CASTLE" segment? If you do remember that portion of my blog posts, then you'd remember the ending to that interesting beginning. I remember saying something along the lines; " Burning castles doesn't mean it's all over. Most castles lead to empires." So, here I am. I'm back, to pick back up where I left off. I always say to finish what you previously enjoyed. I enjoyed telling you how to burn down what hurt you. I also said that you can most definitely grow in places, that once stifled you. Who's to say that you can't claim, what didn't claim you? Your small minded thinking, will only leave you out in the cold. And who wants to be stuck out in the cold, when a storm is brewing close by?
There's only one way to reclaim what was taken.It will require you to work hard, to get back what was stolen. Most people choose to wallow and dwell, on things that they can ACTUALLY change. Nothing is set in stone. Not even death. Even in death must you walk with a purpose. But since we haven't crossed that bridge... it's time to call out the BS. You say you want absolution... but your work ethic doesn't match your wants and or words. You can never burn what needs burning, until you cease the victim role that you've been playing. In this game of life you have to play past the game in order to win. So, if you're ready to receive... then you'll walk this journey with me. This journey will take you EVERYWHERE that is needed, for you to come out the person that this world needs to witness -as proof that even they can do it! YOU SAY YOU WANT MORE... BUT THAT WOULD REQUIRE YOU TO DO IT ALL!!!! You'll continue to read my blog columns because I know you love me xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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