Manipulative Mondays (2) ~ Trust What You See!!!!

What did you do yesterday, that'll for sure make today a bit easier? We should see and also know that anything is possible. Just because you've yet to see the possibilites that the world has to offer, doesn't give you the right to stop what could potentially catapult you into the future. So yes it's best to work for five days in one days time. We're trying to bypass the mark, instead of just hitting it. With each spark of inspiration should you take full advantage of that. Hold yourself accountable. Make every day your day. In order to be infinte one must work for infinity. There's no other way to achieve what you're wishing to achieve. All you have to do is work hard, like your life depends on it. Work on things you wish to make public.
So it's another Monday... which means it's another Monday to be Manipulated. My mission behind this new segment is to set the captains free. But I can't do this, if you don't see the magic that Mondays hold. It's the start of the week. It can propel you or disarm you. The choice will always be yours. Your future is for the taking... but that doesn't mean others can't get to it first. What you want, others wish to take. I want to discuss seeing the beauty in certain things. Never wait for others to see what you see. This will have you slowing down. This will have you explaining things, that doesn't even require an explanation. People will always see what they wish to see. The sad thing is most people will see what you see... but they'll use manipulative tactics to keep you guessing. When you understand this SIMPLE... but complx concept you'll spend no time explaining, and more time loving what you see. Hold your passions to a high regard, and never go to people who don't value beauty -to try and get their opinion. WHEN I LOOK AT THE WORD "OPINION", THE ONLY WORD THAT COMES TO MIND IS THE WORD "ONION". I know that you'll apply what I'm saying, because I know that you love me xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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