
Showing posts from December, 2022

Change Yourself for the sake of your mental health!!!!!

"Well it had to happen.", is what I keep telling myself. But at least it happened before the New Year. I just wanted another outcome, but honestly things happen, and we just have to move forward. I can't believe I allowed this crazy and toxic energy consume my whole day, but hey what can I do. Things happen, and things will continue to happen, because not every one is walking with such light that you walk with. I was just talking about letting things go, that I have no control over, but of course that went straight out the window just as quickly as I said it. But that's where tonight comes into play. The only way to move forward is to keep walking -without stopping to pick up the pieces. We have to realize some people are very unhappy, and their sole mission is to make others' just as unhappy -if not more unhappy. There are people wearing false masks, and they don't care who they hurt. Not everybody is the same, and of course it's easy to go un...

The stage is there for you to speak... so speak!!!

Do you feel Friday in your bones, or is today just another day? How's the weather where you are, because we all know weather can creep up and steal your profound time, or it can slow down time. Don't ever misinterpet (The meaning within), the weather and the magic behind it. It's a fool's game at best, to over look or to not see the importance in the weather. It's pretty gloomy where I am, which means the real me always has a part to play. The real me being the old me. The hurt me. The old me that was devoured by her makers. She gets to speak her truth even if the ground beneath her rattles. But honestly hell has no fury like she does.I can be a scorned woman -all because of the littel girl that resides within me. She gets to turn her pain into poetry. What is today allowing you to do, or better yet what are you allowing yourself to do today; and is the weather helping or is it frightening? Let's talk stages, and how it's only fitting to create ...

You weren't born yesterday!!!

Can we digitally talk about banana boats, and why you're acting as if you yourself just came off of one? This is a simple and quick concept, because most of us are dealing with cognitive dissonace, and we don't even know it. You're constantly contradicting yourself,and for what? We all know what we want, and how it'll make us feel, but we're doing things to separate ourselves from what we want -and or need. I feel like if you want sometihng new, you have to set yourself apart from any and everything that's holding you back. Don't be your own worst enemy, because you'll land yourself where most want to break away from, and that's from a miserable atmosphere. The easiest way to be tricked by a sly fox is to show off the weakest parts of yourself, without at least warning the fox that -where there are weak parts; there are also strong parts. Why play dumb when you can actually be smart? I mean playing dumb in some situations is fitting, but w...

Another Night = Another set of poetic words!!!!

I'm not gonna lie, today I could've done more. In fact I could've done wayyy more, but I'm starting to listen to my body. I've been so tired, and I'm allowing myself some time to settle within my own skin. But I'm teaching myself to push even though I'm feeling unmotivated, and I can't say I'm feeling unmotivated as of right now, but I do know I'm exhausted. How are you feeling, and are you listening to your body, or are you pushing past your limits? Either way whatever feels right for you, then learn to do more of that. Don't feel a certain way if you can help it. But anyways I summoned you here, because I'm in a nostalgia kind of mood. I can't help it, MISS ADELE makes me feel this way. I know it sucks. It's bothersome when you meet someone, and it's as if you see the whole world within their eyes. I know what it's like to cherish such memories with someone(and this certain someone can be a friend, a l...

Saturday's healing sess!!!!!

Should I start a healing segment, because a lot of people could use a good healing session? Too many of us are getting wrapped into the false prophecies -this delusional world constantly tries to throw our way. I don't know about you, but I want proper healing instead of phony healing. Any and everything that's fake will eventually be exposed, and we all know getting exposed never truly works out in anybody's favor. Think about it. Being pushed into the light is already exaggerated elements of pure dishonesy, but imagine constantly being exposed to Bullsh*t. Do you think that'll in some way heal you or overtime destroy you? Healing is a process, and most of all it's never linear. It takes time, and how much time are you willing to offer in exchange for a new sense of self. All power houses are eventually terminated by society if not by your own hands. A tormented mind evaluates to the end of the world -even if it is just your world that crumbles. Pickin...

How to benefit from seasonal depression/tiredness!!!

I think I'm finally making peace with how I usually feel around this time. To some people the cold makes them starry eyed, and for others it makes them want to stay connected, because the cold makes them feel lonelier than ever. For me I get both incredibly sleepy and extremely depressed. I get depressed because the tiredness overly consumes my body. It ties me down, and leaves me in such a cowardly state. I want to do more, but how can I if my eyelids are constantly giving up on me? How can I keep my world open, if it wants nothing else -but a vacation? Over due vacations have a way of cleaning house, until the message gets its point across. So, what can I do when I've been able to self reflect? What can you do if you're in the same boat as me? Well for starters, I just said what most wouldn't care to do. I mentioned SELF REFLECTING. This concept is duality at best. It's both night and day. It can be sisters, but it can also be long lost cousins. Whe...

Your soul aches when SELF-CARE is no longer a part of your plate!!!!

Your body knows best, and I really want you to understand this if you don't already. We're living in a world where everything is happening all at once, and how we react or don't react -can either stunt us or beautify us. I always tell myself "when the world speeds up do yourself a favor and slow down." Why? Well my whole reasoning behind that quote, is quite simple actually. I don't like to over complicate the message when getting it across, because people always have a way of missing the message -because the precision was just wayyy too off. If you listen the first time, you don't have to re-do it the next time... around. Does that digitally make sense, because if it doesn't, then I have no where esle to be, so here I am spilling my ditigal guts to you. Shout out to you for constantly reading my amateur blogs!!! I recently made a post about self care, and the many ways it can be illustrated . Self-care isn't just one lane. It also isn...

Okay this night isn't all that bad!!!

I didn't think I would get a night like this. Most nights are so low for me, but there's something different about tonight. I don't know if it's the good music, or if it's the serene ambience, but whatever it is I'm surely not complaining. Tonight's a lovely one for sure. You think you're running out of time, but I can definitely stand on my word when I say that, you're not. There's no need to hide, because most people are dying inside. It's okay to feel something for once. I know that you have to die in order to feel alive, so when I do fall into limbo - I always know that I'll find the light in the end. Even though it's night, why does everything seem so bright? I think I've told myself so many positive affirmations, my mind has no choice but to follow suit. Don't ever feel alone in an already lonesome society. Most people are living a lie. They may seem on top of the world, but what really sets you apart is the...

It's always been up to us!!!!

I think in this particular blog post I'll tell you everything you want and need to hear. How many peopple in your life is going to do both of what I want to digitally say to you. Who you surround yourself around, is ultimately who you'll become in the end. This has always been a basic concept. It's something we've always known and yet we still allow to control and mislead us. Why is that? But let's gather ourselves on this unknown but magical Sunday. I honestly don't know how to feel, but I also know I can feel anyway that makes sense to me, and that's all that matters in the end. Never give anyone the power to control your feeling and or emotions. You can seize the day with the right mindset, but you can also allow the day to seize you -with the wrong mouths near your ears. Stop getting the end of the stick. Stop allowing others to control your narrative. You don't have to fall in that "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed" t...

Don't ruin the vibe by saying you're sleepy!!!

The 13th was a special day, but why can't today be just as special? Did you even know who's birthday it was on Wednesday? Was I a fool to allow the 13th to keep me so busy that I properly couldn't give a certain someone a former and well deserved introduction to this digital platform? I mean this is the ItGirl OverLoad platfrom. What's a ItGirl if not who I'm about to bring to the digital stage? What's even a stage without MISS TAYLOR SWIFT? She's every girls dream and every guys nightmare. So, since it's friday it was only fitting to allow MISS TAYLOR -to swiftly take over the stage. What can us girls and gents learn from this country girl, pop girl, savvy girl, and possibly even heartbreaker girly? For starters what's your favorite song by TAYLOR SWIFT, mines is "EYES OPEN". Why might you ask? Hey, quick question are you asking because you as well adore this song, or are you asking because you've for some weird and od...

(Night poetry) because I'm feeling both too little and too much!!!!

Oh, what a time to be alive, said no one ever when life is anything but livable. Do you too feel like you need to see something else to believe that things constantly happen, because there's a bigger reasoning as to why we're going through what we're going through, because in the end we'll get everything that we ever wanted? I don't know about you, but I'm so tried of people telling me to believe in something more, when all I know is everything that's considered to be evil. I mean I never asked for such evil, but after a while it becomes normal. It's like thriving down below is more thrilling than most people's chilling thoughts. If I could learn how to banish retired thoughts, then maybe I wouldn't feel so low. Maybe I would finally feel that incredible high feeling that everyone seems to talk about. I'm sick of feeling stuck while also losing time. Time hasn't been a friend to me, it only passes me by while abusing me. ...

Are You Really Handling it well?????

I doubt that you smelled the circus coming into town... I mean even I had other plans for tonight, but I guess the circus comes when it wants and never before. It's kinda odd to think that the circus wouldn't just come on an off day. When you expect nothing and let go of everything that's when the true magic appears. You don't need to know the entire guest list to know, if you'll make an appearance or if you'll actually stray from potential profitable opportunites. We will never know unless we put ourselves out there, just ask anyone at my DIGITAL CIRCUS, they'll show you tricks like you wouldn't believe. We all know by now that life's a test, and how you allow it to test you is truly up to you. Yes getting mad is easy to do, but complicated to let go of. Staying unbothered in situations that would bother most people; should in fact be instilled in anyone who wants to see a difference. It seems like life throws more onto your plate, or ...

Am I Actually Being Tested Right Now????

It seems like any and everywhere that I go, I can't seem to catch a break. It's as if I'm being test, and to be honest I despise saying that, because what's life even about? What does it mean? Did we really ask to be here, and if so... why? Why would I ask to come here, knowing what I know? Why would I ask my spirit guides to ship me here, instead of leaving me to be whoever and whatever the hell I already was, before this. I don't think earth is for the greater. I think it's for the fallen. It's always been for the fallen,and most times it feels as if they've fallen onto my doorstep, and have been causing me mayhem ever since their untimely fall. Of course if you're reading this, you may feel the same, or maybe not but I do know that someone somewhere is going through the same issues! We're all aligned, and the crazy thing is no one believes that. You being you, you can't believe that you're the only one going through a parti...

Do what everybody else is doing!!!

People will always look out for themselves, so why can't you do the same? I don't know, maybe it's them being fully aware of the old saying "You can't feed other people, if you can't even feed yourself." Maybe it's that, or maybe people are recognizing just how cruel people are in this almost could've been beautiful society. I've found myself unable to help myself due to me overextending myself, to people who knew exactly what they were doing to me. See, you have to understand this simple but almost complex concept. Most people that will ask a lot from you will always be those closes to you. Oh, you don't believe me? Close your eyes and think back to all those times you helped people over and over again. Who were they, where they a friend, a family member, or a total stranger? Who were they exactly? Understanding that your plate is da*n near empty can help save you, before they drain you. I was physically making my ownself si...

Say less Sundayyyyy!!!!!

Hey. Hey. Hey. How is your Sunday going? What are your Sunday's like? I always say your Sunday's should be peaceful, but in a way productive. When I say productive, I mean doing what will ensure you the upmost sanity for this upcoming week. So ask yourself what can you do today to help assist you tomorrow? But AIT-TEE-WAYS I wanted to DIGITALLY TALK ABOUT SAYING LESS. Saying less is an important topic, because it can save you from unneeded drama. When you keep everything close to your heart, then who can really shame you and or stop you? I've gotten played time and time again, by those who acted as if they were genuinely interested in knowing what I had/have going on. I get it, we're taught to tell our plans to others, but what are we really doing that for? Are we doing it to get things off our chest, or are we doing it to get other people's opinions, because if we're doing it for other's and their feedback -then we've already lost -haven...

Don't You See the Gold in My Teeth????

Let's talk playing your cards right,because we've all lost ourselves to a rather cunning game. Not all games are meant to annoy you, most games are perfectly crafted to get you to disarm yourself with the ultimate goal to remove you from the table. The removal is never sudden, but always shocking, because you'll never know how many people actually knew about the plan to get you from the "winners table". But before I propel the ships, let's sail for a moment. How are you? Is your Saturday going to be a good one or an off one... by off I mean you taking a day off from the world. We all could use a break, but then there are people like me who've been resting a bit too much and could do good if they just see their own worth! So, like I was saying you need to play your cards right -or just play the game without others knowing that you know what you know. Too many people have their own hidden agendas. They'll seem to want what you have, or t...