Another Night = Another set of poetic words!!!!

I'm not gonna lie, today I could've done more. In fact I could've done wayyy more, but I'm starting to listen to my body. I've been so tired, and I'm allowing myself some time to settle within my own skin. But I'm teaching myself to push even though I'm feeling unmotivated, and I can't say I'm feeling unmotivated as of right now, but I do know I'm exhausted. How are you feeling, and are you listening to your body, or are you pushing past your limits? Either way whatever feels right for you, then learn to do more of that. Don't feel a certain way if you can help it. But anyways I summoned you here, because I'm in a nostalgia kind of mood. I can't help it, MISS ADELE makes me feel this way.
I know it sucks. It's bothersome when you meet someone, and it's as if you see the whole world within their eyes. I know what it's like to cherish such memories with someone(and this certain someone can be a friend, a loved one,or a complete stranger), and then boom times separates the both of you. It's as if time it's self gets enivous, and we all know envy kills. Certain people leave us in a choke hold;maybe it's because of their presence, or maybe it's because of how both of your energies bounced off of one another. Whatever it is, time seems to outsmart you both. Sometimes we run into them again, and sometimes we're supposed to be the one(s) that got away. Maybe we were placed into their lives to change them, or at the least engrave some sort of heart within them. Whatever it is, I pray(to my backyard tree of course), that time lets go of the envy and brings you back together... even if it is to only see how you two have grown. BUT ANYWAYS IF I GET MY CHANCE... I'LL TELL MY OLD FRIEND MY MIND HAS BEEN BENT, AND I'M NO LONGER CLOSED MINDED. Sometimes you only meet someone once. xoxo ItGirl Overload xoxo


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