Am I Actually Being Tested Right Now????
It seems like any and everywhere that I go, I can't seem to catch a break. It's as if I'm being test, and to be honest I despise saying that, because what's life even about? What does it mean? Did we really ask to be here, and if so... why? Why would I ask to come here, knowing what I know? Why would I ask my spirit guides to ship me here, instead of leaving me to be whoever and whatever the hell I already was, before this. I don't think earth is for the greater. I think it's for the fallen. It's always been for the fallen,and most times it feels as if they've fallen onto my doorstep, and have been causing me mayhem ever since their untimely fall. Of course if you're reading this, you may feel the same, or maybe not but I do know that someone somewhere is going through the same issues!
We're all aligned, and the crazy thing is no one believes that. You being you, you can't believe that you're the only one going through a particular storm. There are many people that are feeling the same winds, so what does one do when they're in the eye of a storm? The annoyed version of me would be like "F*ck this", but the spiritual version of me would calmly say to "embrace it". Sometimes we can't control everything, but we can definitely control resonable things. There may be issues in your current life that are considered to be unresonable, but I also know that there are issues in your life -that are beyond resonable. Learn to change what can be changed, and also learn to take a break from things that cannot be changed at this given moment. Let the complicated and unreasonable things play out.
But I'm also learning that I still have the power to change other things in my life to my liking. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo
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