September's last request ~We're suiting up to land onto October's promise!!!

If today's our last mission, before October comes in to spook us into character, why aren't you putting in any request? We all want something but a lot of us are choosing to take what we can get. Meanwhile there are people who are taking rather than asking. To me I think being selfish is okay if it could potentially help others in the long run. Clearly September came in and left like it had somehwere else to be, I wonder if you saw the impatience that took place and decided to take advantage of September fast pace energy. Did you do things without thinking? Did you finally sign up for that class knowing that it was now or never? Did you place yourself in better rooms to hear better advice, or did you stay stuck within your own vices? I mean if you were to ask me, I noticed that I couldn't be everywhere all at once, but I could very well be in better places altogether. I have a feeling that this October is going to be most people's take off, and I feel like o...