September 1st realizations....

Hey you. How are you? I know I've been gone but what's your excuse? Usually I would say that this is my spotlight but today it's ours. You've been compromising and so have I. I've been distracted by hotties when I know I always speak about being seductive all while holding my dignity to a higer god -but I slipped. Okay! I came to the realization that I wasn't all that interested or shall I say I wouldn't have been all that interested in about another week. So how did I or how am I recovering... might you ask? Well. Well. Well, wouldn't you like to know. But honestly I'm no silent beast when there's no need to be. I've been realizing some things and maybe my realizations can spark the genius in you. Who knows...
Let's digitally talk about certain realizations and how if tamed on the first of the month, could produce a better rest of the month -rather than before. My first realizations is quite simple. 1. If I don't have scheduled post at night for the early morning, how will I feed my audience -while ultimately helping myself do other things in the morning instead of being hunched over a computer screen. 2. My nonnegotiables are more important than a pretty face. Am I right or am I right? 3. Using others to have the perfect excuse to not go to school the next day should be very ILLEGAL (do you hear me)!!! 4. How can I expand upon my abilites if I'm not expanding upon my abilites? It just makes no sense. 5. Herbs first snacks later... said literally no one ever -which means I must say it. 6. I already know a professional website embedded with my talents would do me wonders... so why haven't I came out with my own actual website. Do I myself feel like I'm not that professional to ever do such a thing? 7. More so the sun and less of the moon.. for now. Honestly if you meet me back here say around six I'll expose more of my realizations.
I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY BUT I USED SOMEONE ALL LAST NIGHT TO KEEP ME BUSY... I swear it's not using if I tell you my perfect but corrupted plan. Remember that when you point fingers. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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