9/11 ~ A tale as old as time to nonbelievers...

Honestly sometimes I feel like I'm intimidating and then there are other times where I'm just too breezy for other people's projections. It's always too easy for me. One day I'm scary and then I'm just like someone else -feeling the weight of the world. But through it all I've never been a small minded person. I don't think I'm overly official but I am able to realize that some people are just built different -mentally. Everything is real but for some odd reason there a people walking this earth without the capability to think how I think -or how you think on a daily as well as morally signifcant compass. Scary isn't it?
I remember when I was back in school, I noticed how much the school systems seemed to make it their sole mission to allow things to live that needed nothing but to be put to rest. Cruel things became normal things and in the end it became our daily vocabulary for such unintended expression. None of us knew that we were being corrupted on a systematic level. Their reasonings were too calculated and above all overly predictable -to not be an agenda. People above us were being trained to feed off our madness. Our hate was their sworn loyality. What am I saying... is what you're probably asking yourself, am I right? I'm talking about 9/11. It was real. It was too real, I mean couldn't you taste it? In school we were taught to envision the plane actually hitting the building, but for what reasons though? Why were we being forced into stagnant bootcamps of both mental and emotional conflictions? Was it to play off our innocence, or was it soley to play off our naivete? I also noticed that as we got older and more reformed, 9/11 was starting to sound like a tale. I mean the designers of this awful event with no god in sight was being fed to us like we were still unidentified liquids in our mother's wombs. They were trying to dumb us down because everyone knows "with evolution comes a new form of enlightened knowledge". OUR GOVERNMENT WAS QUITE LITERALLY TRYING TO GO BACK IN TIME AND CLEAN UP EVERYTHING THAT THEY MESSED UP!!! All I'm saying is today can be the day that we take back all of our distraught emotions and put them elsewhere -somewhere useful for our happiness. xoxo ItGirl Overload xoxo


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