September's advances~ Things are starting to look up!!!

I've been dipping my feet into new waters and it's been revealing to me just how important human beings are, and why we're a major threat to those unlike us. I don't know. Most days I feel empty but then there are days when I realize that, that empty feeling comes from unknowingly straying away from my desires. Knowing what you desires are and choosing to go after them are two different things, and they quickly become obstacles if you're allowing others outside your plan(s) to keep you empty and open for untrustworthy spirits to possess the potential that was purposely given to you. Let's digitally talk the ending of September and how it differed from all my other Septembers.
Last year was a different year. Hell every September before this one was a continous cycle. A cycle I thought I could never escape. A cycle that seemingly had the power to trick me -to keep me feeling unwanted and unimportant. I was stuck emotionally. I was trying to find comfort in the past knowing that the past was a type of pain that has the ability to leave some people if not most, paralyzed. Every previous September had my world coming to a halt. My world had a thing for shooting back to where I shouldn't have been able to go back to. I was painfully watching or even imagining my friends doing better than me, but I could never imagine myself doing the same. I couldn't see someone such as myself leveling up or even taking babysteps to exist elsewhere -somewhere better. Fast forward to today. I'm getting more sun, I'm reading more books, I'm making money without fearing unreasonable uproars, I finally made myself worthy of creating business cards for myself. Moral of September's ending, I told myself I wanted something different for myself, and I went after it without giving myself the chance to talk myself out of it. I QUITE LITERALLY FORCED MYSELF INTO ANOTHER STATE OF THINKING BECAUSE I JUST KNEW THAT I COULDN'T KEEP CIRCLING BACK TO HELL!!! You don't have to keep repeating the same story. You can change your story at any given moment. You just have to be brave enough to pick up the pencil. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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