Fall into alignment this September!!!
I wonder what's new for you. What has you in a chokehold, and what has you begging for change. What has the universe been sending you in order for you to get the hint that there's a life out there for you. don't asnwer these qestions just yet, I only want you to accept radical change, by falling into alignment with this lovely new season. The weather is changing, and the leaves are starting to fall in a cutesy way... wouldn't you agree? Hold that thought. I have some veggies on the stove that need my attention, BRB. Okay I'm back, and what do you know it started raining. I'll be one hundred percent with you, I haven't been really checking the weather app at all this summer, because in my reality everyday is a perfect day. Everyday is a perfect day to not get sucked in a vortex you don't deem as worth being sucked into. So, with that let's ponder upon this wonderful season ahead. Whether you feel low or high, it's always recommeded to ...