
Showing posts from August, 2024

Fall into alignment this September!!!

I wonder what's new for you. What has you in a chokehold, and what has you begging for change. What has the universe been sending you in order for you to get the hint that there's a life out there for you. don't asnwer these qestions just yet, I only want you to accept radical change, by falling into alignment with this lovely new season. The weather is changing, and the leaves are starting to fall in a cutesy way... wouldn't you agree? Hold that thought. I have some veggies on the stove that need my attention, BRB. Okay I'm back, and what do you know it started raining. I'll be one hundred percent with you, I haven't been really checking the weather app at all this summer, because in my reality everyday is a perfect day. Everyday is a perfect day to not get sucked in a vortex you don't deem as worth being sucked into. So, with that let's ponder upon this wonderful season ahead. Whether you feel low or high, it's always recommeded to

Art will save us now!!!!!!

Today's a great day. Today's bright and not so heavy. I don't know about you, but I've been following happiness, and yes sometimes unsound happiness often times leads me to the edge of the world, but just like Coraline, I always have the choice to come back. I'm so sorry. I saw Coraline a few days ago, all by my lonesome, and it was the best thing that I could've done. I enjoyed it, and I didn't feel bad about it, plus people are more prone to spark up conversations with you when you're alone, and on top of that its so easy to be myself when I'm alone. When I'm alone, no one gets a free ticket at annoying me and or pointing out my flaws that aren't just flaws, but another addition to my people skills and how much awareness I have for others outside of myself. I mean why is it always the people who lack awareness that are always making comments about how good of person you are -its like they more than anything would love for you to be fake

Was your sanctuary ever really safe????

I get it. most of society is asleep and very very unaware with how awful our earth we call home has become, but what if our home could return back to its natural state. I mean honestly was it ever really natural to begin with? was earth ever really safe? If you were to ask me I would possibly say that at some point it was safer than it is today. I don't think earth was ever really one hundred percent serene, but I can recognize the difference between being attentive and falling into timid ways. and in this current moment while everyone's afraid and paying attention to the wrong things, why don't you and I focus on bringing in tranquil waves of creativity and healthy new routines, because with these type of skills we can easily redesign the art that seemingly was peeled away from this unappealing planet we call -earth. Lately I've been seeing more ehhhh and not enough art. I've been witnessing defeated people bend the rules of morality. I've been in

Leading by Example!!!!!

How is your morning going, was it early, or has it been slow? I'll go first. I've been getting into the flow of assistance. I've been helping more, so of course I've been sleeping less . So, I did what any tired, but grateful person would do. I Scrolled more while laying flatter towards my bed's surface, and I wasn't ashamed, because that only means one thing -since I'm now up more work has to be done. I have to make up for lost time, and what my day requires can easily be done because today ( for the first day of this new week), no one in the world needs me, and if they for some reason actually do need me and my helping hands - I have the authority to force them to forever hold their peace. Peace can be still for me as well as for you today. In this moment the only thing that can matter is us. Allow yourself to matter, and not just the world. Take off your hero's cape, and take a sip from your warm and delicious tea, and let's get into this smal

Find a Person to be and Be That Person...

Joy comes with ease, and peace comes with traveling back into a space before the past -because sometimes not all of our pasts are the same. Not all of them were bissful. Most of us have and have had terrible pasts with even nastier wounds. But what if our attention was redirected. Readjusted. Realigned. What if our previous lives were changed for the better with our current emotional intelliegence, because true and honest intelligence comes with practice. Its logical to be narrow. To be predictable. but I don't believe that we were ever meant to stay within ourselves. Yes, gravity is a thing, but the mind of an individual is cheerful -its able to create, and then move accordingly. I don't believe in staying the same to make others comfortable. I've always believed in doing everything that doesn't allow you to fit though, because what was ever lost and or accomplished while doing so? I once heard that life is like a video game, and if you chose the right avata

Inhale The Groove!!!!

Bad vibes are going to come, because why... their inevitable. Yes, oh yes how we'd love to destroy it's root work, but that's just it. Evil has been here before us. It has had time to sink its teeth into our home's core. Its had time to feaster -to grow, and manipulate not only it's environment, but its host. Vice Versa. But what if I told you that strife doesn't have to be feared. It doesn't have to noticed by you, and how I would also love to say that it shouldn't be so easy to manipulated those around you, but that's just the thing. Not everyone closes to you is in alignment with your purpose and or you. Not everyone carries a certain brillance -a certain character needed to change not only themselves and their surroundings -but the entire universe. Most people are here to walk a straight line, while others are meant to thrive in their passionate fortress. The reason that I'm here today, is because I feel great. I feel wealthy.

I Know What I Want...

Do you know who you are, and what you want, because it takes both to call in your desired material. I believe in the power of manifestions, but not every "believer" knows the secret. The secret is this. It's very simple. In order to recieve you must become magnetic. You must become attractive in a sense. and while looks may play a part, your mental state of being does most of the work. I would say that your looks tend to upgrade right alongside your mental level up. Everything starts to form and take place once the law of change takes place, because nothing ever grew without inspired change. So, what's your desire, and what must you do to bring, and or call those desires in? But wait, before you answer, I want to introduce MISS ELLE WOODS to the ITGIRL PLATFORM; she's a megastar to all the girlies, and a dream girl to all the guys who are actually comfortable in their masculinity -if they have any. Elle Woods isn't a people pleaser, yes people adore

In the State Of Being...

I think everything is 123 as well as 321 when you change your vision. When you altar your perception to work for you instead of against you then, of course the unimaginable becomes profoundly imaginable. Always give permission to profound pondering instead of endless and aimless walks of death. Angels of Death don't wonder, they do until their unmodest evolution turns them into a warrior. Anyways, I thought that I would come on here and spread some light while I wait for my vitual advisor. I'm in the middle of picking out my classes for the fall semester, and I thought blogging would ease the worry and bring in positive transmutation. So here I am, typing away while I allow my soul to give you the reader, some insight on being in the state of being okay with how your life is unfolding. Now this doesn't mean rolling with the punches, oh no, but it does mean not reacting to rejections you already set in place. I was told by someone I admire, to not react to the thi

Our wishes are so SIMPLE...

I wanted to see the entirety of outside, but my blinds are stuck. They seem a bit confused as to which way they wish to go if not flow. I'm here eating while typing away, but still I wish to see the outside and its majority, but I also know that beautiul sceneries tend to break me out of comfortable cycles of productivity. I know myself, and I know how hard it can be most times to focus -especially on "mundane" things. But in the end, how does one successfully make the metaphysical work for them best if they're not at least willing to stay FOCUSED. To stay focused is to know how to manage your energy with ease. and by doing this as well as knowing this makes you a deadly person, if not a free person. See we all wish to be free, but most of us are waiting to be set free, instead of actually taking the initative to be wholesome with our words . Strengthening your word or even being impeccable with your word, makes all the difference, it makes you a savior of self do