Inhale The Groove!!!!

Bad vibes are going to come, because why... their inevitable. Yes, oh yes how we'd love to destroy it's root work, but that's just it. Evil has been here before us. It has had time to sink its teeth into our home's core. Its had time to feaster -to grow, and manipulate not only it's environment, but its host. Vice Versa. But what if I told you that strife doesn't have to be feared. It doesn't have to noticed by you, and how I would also love to say that it shouldn't be so easy to manipulated those around you, but that's just the thing. Not everyone closes to you is in alignment with your purpose and or you. Not everyone carries a certain brillance -a certain character needed to change not only themselves and their surroundings -but the entire universe. Most people are here to walk a straight line, while others are meant to thrive in their passionate fortress.
The reason that I'm here today, is because I feel great. I feel wealthy. I feel wholesome, and I swear I should be in pain, but I feel great. It's so sunny outside, and I just might take advantage of it. I think we should all be pouring into ourselves. I think that its okay to drop the weight to feel the universe's groove. I think us creators should use our abilites to fly. If you didn't know it, you're lucky. Feeling like there's something more is a lucky feeling once you get past the frustration of not being able to relate to most people, after the fact. Be quiet about your peace, because even though feeling this way might make you want to share it with the world, most people aren't going to like you all that much -if any at all. They're going to want your happiness for themselves, because sick people always have a way about themselves. They're always the same. They all like to snatch the greatness in a person, only to waste it... only to not use it. How silly right, to be in a sunken place with no aspirations to get out -to get away. To freaking want to save yourself. SO ANYWAYS I'M OFF TO DISAPPEAR INTO THE CLOUDS WHAT ABOUT YOU, WHERE ARE YOU GOING????? If I want it its already mines... The ItGirl who wanted to explore the world on her own, because she knew that the negativity that surrounded her needed to be left alone to shame each other, instead of her xoxo


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