You say killer like it's a bad thing...

Right now I'm listening to three things... well four things: this beautiful mantra to call in the forgotten magic thats rests in fridays, I'm listening to soft harps for self love and I'm also listening to the rain outside as well as the sound of the keys on my keyboard click up and down, while I sit here in the space that I'm currently curating that'll keep me going for the rest of the morning. I wonder what you're doing right now besides reading my gorgeous and insightful blog. Are you taking time for yourself or are you giving all of it to an undeserving person, who would be better off without your nurturing and healing energy. I had to come to the realization last night, that even though I'm a wonderful person, my wonderlike abilities aren't meant to be experienced by dull and unfilling people, who only look to take rather than to give. Today's energy and 3wordspoet on twitter prompt for today led my to a certain someone. Someone I was...