Day three of healing means private plans and private jets
I talk too much, and talking too much has never served me in the ways that it should've. Its always the same people softening their voices to subdue me into telling them all of my secrets. Its them setting up obvious cameras to spy into as well as pry into my darkest moments. I hate it, and its never enough for them. One camera turns into fifty, and one kiss and tell becomes the whole neighborhood acting funny. First my accounment was an electric rush, and now its just basic. Its boring. its unfamiliar and worst of all spooky. The wirst people can never let me go, and till this day it haunts me. I can never run far enough to get away from their threats and dumbfounded glances. I crave a new life with a brand new identity, and I know it'll come after I close my mouth more often.
Some nights I just want to take a red eye and never come back, but then again before I really knew how everything would pan out I chose this life. I chose everything I have now, and everything I'm going to have in the future. Healing the way that I wish to heal, means leaving things off the table. Sheltering my plans means being seen less, while focusing more. Labeling myself a workaholic should be the least of my worries, because not being found isn't all that bad when blood suckers like them exist. Right now is the best time to create our private little jet(s) and openly live in it, until the many nameless horrible times past us by. I want to come back different. I want to be seen in a whole new light, and in order to fully embody a new timeline, one must be done with their current one.
I hate that its always the same day within a different year. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo
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