Hopeless is something I wish not to feel!!!!!
I have to let the abusers go, the unhealed people go. I have to know that it was never me and always them. See the thing is, I'm a butterfly, and its hard to flatter such creatures who were always meant to be beautiful. Its hard to rebirth extraordinary. A person can never re-polish greatness if they've never known it -if they've never experienced it first hand. Yesterday was a game, and today is a new reality. I bypassed the normies, and gained the confidence to no longer entertain such alignments with the nasty agenda to make me question myself as well the spotlight that was given to me at birth. Nothing can compare when you finally flip the switch and realize the people you're dealing with and or forcing yourself to deal with are jealous of you, and the power you carry.
I wish to shine alone. I've noticed how closely people unlike myself (but wish to gain access like me) tend to me. They expect me to be the beacon for the both of us. They expect me to run to them, to lower myself to feel their misery. If you too see the oddness that surrounds you both good and bad, stick with me while I share a few pointers that I myself is going to be implementing from now on. Rule number one: take nothing personally, even if you're a sensitive person. People are going to always villainize the people they can't and won't understand. Who's fault is that, not yours! Rule number two, don't show up for the meeting, but show up for the day. You don't have to involve your energy, but you sure as hell can still cease the day, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Rule number three, today can always be better than yesterday, all it takes is quantum physics. Just reality shift why don't you. And last but definitely not least... rule number four, keep being you even if it brings in more negativity from them, because in the end the best energy will always influence the room -long after you leave. You will never be forgotten, even if the place is beyond forgettable. Also here's a bonus, because I'm not that cruel when I have something to say. Keep walking away. No longer take the bait. Keep avoiding danger, until you know how to work with it.
Yes, I do believe I got it like that. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo
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