You need me, and the world needs you!!!

Imagine how missed you would be if you gave up on yourself; imagine how many people would miss your star quality -if you gave up on yourself. Just accept that you're on your way to greatness, even if most days it doesn't feel like it. Silence is good; silence is great -it's what most people wish they could have, even though they never allow themselves much freedom to do so. I don't enjoy chaos, and I don't know how most people thrive in the center of it. How do you like your days, do you like them nice or chaotic? Without you who would witness a king... who would witness a queen. But if we're talking about kings and queens, I'll play the queen if it means overthrowing the king -because what's the most useless piece on the board, and don't you dare say the pawn. Change the things that don't allow you to breathe fire. You're a dragon, but you've been allowing spawns tell you that you're a pony. Why? You can never spit fire if ...