Fall in Line or Fall out of Line...

Hellooooo my easy OverLoaders even though we're not that easy. I mean I can be pushy but easy... no. I serve one person. I mean I serve many persons but I bet they're all different from your people. And by serving, I mean I look to them for guidance. I definitely don't worship, because worshipping something and or someone takes away your power -when you decide to give your power as well as undivided attention to them. What's the outcome in the end? Do you go home tired and above all disortiented, because I know I do. I worked hard yesterday and today all I did was sleep in. Am I frustrated? No. But, am I insightful? Yes. The answer is forever yes. What could you possibly learn when you're both tired but overall insightful? I'll allow that question to be a rhetorical one! But anyways let's digitally discuss "Changing your skin to adapt to your environment"... I learned that an animal will cleverly adapt to its environment to ultimately have...