Let go and feel the void!!!!!

What are you doing that's making you forget the best parts of yourself? Is there something around you that's draining the eccentricity in you? Are you mindless when all you crave is your mindfulness habits? I can tell you this, sometimes we allow strange things to control the lot of us. We unknowingly become obedient to a lawful and an unresourceful abyss. We tend to forget just how much we allowed others to break us or even mold us. The only way to be unnormal and unrealistically creative -is by not conforming to an outdated system. We should never forget what makes us...well, us. Sometimes it takes you walking away from what you deem and or deemed to be familiar, while being one hundred percent willing to tap into the unknown. You can never be the best version of yourself, and be who everyone else wants you to be. Honestly it takes you dissociating to realize just how much everything around you is unreal. When I relinquish myself to the void, I never realize j...