I went to the circus, because I'm stuck in a rut!!!!!

I was putting something in the microwave, and it hit me. How can I make you feel like I currently feel? How can I allow you into my mind -without having you lose the picture? How can a mind slip further than it's already left? I mean what's even right if everything has been going left? I need you to hear me out, without hearing me actually talk, and how does a conversation really sound at the circus? Everything's more upbeat while your heat struggles to find the right beat, if you're mentally lost and far gone -at the circus. What ever happened to real conversations that were almost considered to be scary -at one point, if not this point. I'm currently mentally busy but outwardly stuck.
I do my hair up real nice only for it to fall flat, after it senses something in the atmosphere. Lately the dead has been more alive than the actual living -and it's not even October... yet. Everytime I envision the circus, I always know the crazy is kicking in, and the sanity has silently left me. I know, I know, who wants to be considered insane on their best days or even their worst days? I mean I don't know how your brain is personally wired, but I know a few loose screws goes a long way. Who expects the best from you, if you're Miss or Mister Lunatic? I play my cards right when I need the masses to see me as inefficient. I need them to see me as the lesser, so I can witness their jaw's dislodge when they find out I've been the greater -all along. I feel like you can always take a little something from my digital blogs... what about you, what do you think? MAYBE THERE'S A MESSAGE AT SOME SORT OF CIRCUS, BUT HOW WILL YOU EVER FIND OUT IF YOU NEVER MAKE THE TIME TO GO!!! Don't be shocked if I leave everything behind to join the circus. I can be everyone at the circus, but here on earth, I can only be imprisoned to this uninspired meatsuit. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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