Thursday Morning Motivation~ why aren't you up!!!!

Haven't you heard the early bird gets the worm? Haven't you heard the early bird(s) gets the first sunlight? I don't know about you but I heard so many things, and it took me a very long time to see that magic, when others couldn't see it. You want a beautiful life, yet you're doing ugly and vile things. Ugly is equivalent to doubting yourself, and vile is equivalent to rolling back over knowing that you could very well attack the day -and not allow the day to attack you. There's always potential to be who and or what you want to be, but most times we can't see past what's currently in front of us.
It also took me a very long time to get this simple concept, the concept of creating what you wish existed. We're all walking powerhouses waiting to explode, so why haven't you exploded yet? The power you're looking for already lives inside of you. You can work hard and also radiate peace, nothing has to be complicated -if you crave stillness but progress. Don't bypass today, use the ability today has and make many things come to life. This time is your time to shine, but not believing in yourself makes you a product of failure. Regret hurts but sometimes, a lick is all you need to become the best that you can be.
MAYBE I'M WRITING THIS FOR MYSELF OR MAYBE I'M WRITING THIS FOR THE WORLD!!! Even though I get up early on a daily basis, sometimes I can easily fall into the doubt trap, and not work as hard. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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