Be free and look up to bees more often!!!

Today I'm feeling a bit unbothered. Of course I'm feeling other emotions like blissfulness, truthfulness, positivity, and most of all free from attachments, but seriously right now I'm feeling unsticky in sugary situations. Right now in another past life I'd be so bothered, so caring in deranged and out of range spaces. I'd be off my rockers without a steady balance to ever feel the need to adjust my crazed mindset, but today my mind is set. it's made up, and just like that -other things are made up. My bed is made, and my day is set up, so what could set me out of alignment if not fake scenarios with even fakier and impossible outcomes. Sit down and chill with me to catch my drift, because its a kind of magnetic pull that could possibly get me in the flow of creating more sound waves worth surfing upon.
I have my candles lit, and my incenses burned. I'm about to set a fire so big it'll for sure cast out any left over lack. I need you as my friend and as the reader to my adventurous blogs, to stop caring what other people think. Stop being so bothered when all life wants to do is bless you. You're seeing your life and the universe all wrong. You're casting words of failure and disappointment, without seeing the plausible abundance that awaits you in this lifetime and the lifetime after the fact. Infact life is about to get so good for you, that others will have no choice but support you. they'll have no choice but to applaud with you. The universe has big things and even bigger plans for you and I, but our limited thinking could kill any and everytihng great, so why not just take a chill pill and relax. Fall back into yourself today and just be. Be like a bee, and just harmonize your greatness with the will to be creative.
LOVE YOURSELF ENOUGH TO BE FREE!!! Every blessed home has a harp.... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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