Being a girl brand (The side that needs fixing).

Creating a brand from stratch is already scary, but doing so while being a girl is way more complicated. Especially living in today's day in time. It has gotten even worse as the generation has continued to move forward. It's to the point where society(Mostly men), have decided that their birth right, includes speaking loud, and mighty proud against women. Mainly getting the message across in, such a negative and demanding way. Examples being, "you're only pretty if ...." , " if you want a man then.....", "women shouldn't do.....", etc. The list could honestly go on and on. By no means is this blog post somely to bash men but..... Things like this need to be said, because this is gotten, too out of hand. I don't know if at this point guys are "trying to help", or if bashing women is way to fun in their eyes, to stop now. But in my opinion, I feel as if a women's business, is just that , A WOMEN'S BUSINESS. I'm still confused as to when and how guys, felt comfortable enough to put women down,it has got to stop. Now opening my eyes, I see the "tying" to set women to a UNREALISTIC standard is a projection on the guy's side. Have you even noticed the type of guys projecting this nonsense... have you really? Another thing, that saddens me, is other women chiming in. Envious women coming from all differnt walks of ife, talking cruel towards other women. I know no women is perfect. We've all gossip at some point in our lives. Maybe it was recently, like yesterday the day before that , or if you're as sweet as a pumpkin, it was back in middle school.Lets talk about school for a moment, and how it was not the place to be. It was very damaging, predominantly towards girls. Why though? Why did the school policy enforce dress code EXTREMELY impossible to follow for JUST girls? Why could'nt we simply take our jacket's off to cool ourselves down, in class, and if we did we got blasted in front of the class for others to talk down on us. We would get ridiculed in gym class, for everyone's ears to hear, for having "short" shorts on. Even though the length was the same for both sexes. Ohhhh and if you were tall, you could just forget it, Your grade was going down regardless. School has got to be my second bully. My first being my mom..... "good job" mom don't say I never shouted you out! My mom would'nt allow my sister and I , to dress a certain way in front of our OWN brothers...... We could'nt wear shorts, dresses, skirts, or even cami's around them. How weird right? My fanastic mom served my brothers before my sister and I. The boys could lounge around while my sister and I helped in the kitchen day in and day out ( actually I was called more to be in the kitchen than my sister was if we're counting...). Actually my mom called me the most for everything, maybe because we bumped heads alot. I've always been strong minded, and I started realizing a lot of adults hated that. To be honest elderly people in general despise when younger adults/kids can't be manipulated. Between school and my mom, I thought that there was nothing left to live for. I couldn't see a future for myslef. Mostly, because my mom stated over and over again, that I would'nt live past my teens . But what I have learned on the way, and what i'm still learning is that always supporting other girls is very vital. Congratulating other women is so theraputic to me. I love seeing women accomplish their dreams, especially me being a young women myself. Society can be so hard. Being authentic is highly needed. Living to not please others, should be on EVERY girl's vision board. I'm currently reading GIRL CODE,by Cara Alwill Leyba. This book is inspiring to see a women managing to live her truth , and in doing so by appreciating other women as well. It is teaching me to learn more about myslef, and also to strive to learn ,and lift up my fellow women around me as a whole. SO SHUT OFF THE NOISE OF OTHERS ESPECIALLY GUY'S OPINION AND GO MAKE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE THE BEST OF YOUR LIFE. xoxo soon to be Itgirl Overload xoxo


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