Be where the sweetness resides!!!!

Do you know what's more fun than being in the sun, being in sweetness. Juicy vibes are always one of nature's healing properities. What's rotten never ever comes up to the surface, but choosing to be brilliant as well as deliberate never showed significant signs of losing one's color, one's basket of fruits. I can never say goodbye to a potentially good day. I almost stayed in bed, but then I remembered satisfying energy only comes with a great vision. Gratitude comes after the affirmations are painted vibrantly. Smiles can only light up the room if they're real, if they're bright and not dull. I think I can be thankful for having a profound rest period. I got to indulge in what I was setting to the side. Yeah I may have to rearrange what's actually for me, and what's actually leaving behind traces of humble pie, but at least I showed up today, right.
Why is it always a happy and vivacious day when I'm seemingly belonging to no one else but myself? Why am I such a treasure when all I do is read good books, and maybe write a couple of stimulating poems? Why am I happy when my energy is kept to myself and not given to others? I couldn't answer these questions before, but then I realized something. I realized just how special a creator's energy is. Our energy is pure magic, it's worth living in our art, but why does it seem to fade out when it's unknowingly stored in other people's energetic field? I have an idea. I have the answer. Why aren't you choosing me. I know this question. Creators are meant to be seekers. We're meant to travel. We're also meant to protect our greatness, as well as our magnitude. We're not meant to have horrible days and not be able to write it out, draw it out, express it in some way or another. Other's tend to blow out our candles, and the wrong establishment are only set in stone to take us away from out magic. So, how you keep up with yourself is totally up to you. ALL I HAD TO DO WAS OPEN UP THE BLINDS AND SWITCH WHERE I WAS SITTING... I'll go all the way in, if you promise to do the same... xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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