Tactful Thursdays~ Excuse Me While I Talk!!!

Heyyy It's me again and it's 10:10 which means I have something to say, and it'll for sure resonate with you... unless you're a closed minded hater. HaHa I'm just playing or am I, I mean I am only a figment of your imagination, so what's funny to me may just be fuckery to you -which is cool. I mean being serious is cool, only if you're into the whole Corporate America scene(oooohhh which reminds me you should totally indulge in my previous corporate blog), because to me it's insightful, and of course it's relatable. See not all of us are manmade, most of us are designed by other worldly beings(nothing too serious) or is it, ummmm you tell me. But AIT-TEE-WAYS, I might be losing you, so let's digitally carry on.
Let's talk being tactful, and how it can most times stop you from being who you really desire to be, but in other cases it can turn milk into ants, and honey into vingear. Being tactful means getting our point across without stabbing the audience, but in most cases it takes honor and nobility. Basically what I'm trying to say, is there will be times when you'll have to say what you feel, and mean what you say, but that doesn't compare to making enemies without a cause, because just like a rebel -you have to do it with a cause. But also saying real shit will most definitely come with amateur enemies, and it's nothing to dwell on, because it's uncanny to dwell on surface things, on makeshift things. DON'T THINK THAT YOU CAN GO UNDER THE SURFACE WITHOUT GAINING THE SAY SO FROM THE WATER SPIRITS. Was that too soon, or did that go over your head??? xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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