Stop acting like you're not the Star!!!!!

I need you to sit here, and soak in what I'm about to tell you, because clearly you're missing the signs. When you become a master of the mind, and not just your own mind -you'll begin to see things for what they truly are. You'll sense things before they happen, you'll in fact spot an enemy before they ever make themselves known. Hell, I'm talking determination in discrimination. Imagine constantly being the star in everyone else's life -even if you try your best to dim your light(which you shouldn't). Do you think that's a bad thing, or an opportunity to do great things? I use to think me being more... was a bad thing. I use to hate myself for supposedly causing confusion in said environments. I never knew that it was never me -and just other people envying the entirety of me.
Look this topic is a killer, it honestly brings me to places I've for sure outgrown. But how can I make up my mind to leave, and just leave you where you no longer need to be. I mean where's the humanity in that type of logic? I need you to see the star in yourself, even if other's, would so love to disarm your star qualities. People despise people with this type of quality and or power. Too many unhealed people, work behind the scenes to make others look like the bad person -when in actuality it's always A**BACKWARDS. Don't allow others to stop your potential -in fact you should use their negativity as the perfect window to move the hell on. Use them as the perfect opportunity to go after what you were too afraid to do. WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE TRY THEIR HARDEST TO CAUSE UNNECESSARY CHAOS IN YOUR LIFE!!!! Remember not everyone can be a star. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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