Spiritual Sunday~ Feedback doesn't matter!!!

Hopefully your Sunday is going according to whatever plan you've planned it to be. Just know that you have the power to speak life into each day. What you want... you can always have. So what do you want for today? How do you think you'll get it? I want to talk feedback and how most times, it can have the power to sever the power needed in order to strive for greatness. How well do you really know those around you? What you think you know,your spiritual self always seems to know. You're never truly out of the loop, unless you don't consider yourself worthy of that kind of power. It's like your practical mind and your ego self fighting a losing war. Which one is right, and which one will actually show results you so desperately want?
Most people without a goal or goals, will drag you in the mud- if you allow them. Going to people for feedback, already knowing that they have nothing to show for in their own life could possibly put your [own being] into misery. I always say that you never want to be the company for someone else's misery. Misery always seems to have such a strong hold -on it's host. It's a "hard to get rid of" parasite. You should always know yourself, and what you have to offer. Having something to offer will for sure put you in places others could never get into. Don't be basic around other mediocre people. Today's goal should be to find ways to set yourself a part. Being apart of the game never truly allows you to show all of you.
YOUR SPIRITUAL SELF KNOWS BEST!!!! Why can't you just give yourself credit for once? xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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