PINK WEDNESDAY~ Richie Rich or Just Pinkie Pink???

It's Pink Wednesday. Let's be honest wednesday's are the new friday's. Or is my vision blurry, because it's a PINK VIBE, I'm catching? Anyways either way I'm here, and I'm loving it. It's like all of my problems dissipate, and I'm able to have fun. Fun should be apart of everybody's vocabulary. It's either we're having fun, or we're slowly fading away. So anyways I'll be the pink mascot, and introduce you to MISS SOFIA RICHIE. She's beyond gorgeous, and she just so happens to look stunning in pink. But then again how can anyone look awkward in PINK? So, now that I've got your full on PINK ATTENTION, what can we quickly learn from MISS RICHIE RICH?
We're here to talk social climbing, and how it's benefical when you're trying to get to the top. But don't mistaken my grammar, to fit your discrepancies -which would indeed not match what I'm throwing your way. Climbing ladders when it comes to socially promoting yourself and or work, doesn't mean to step on another person's throat -to get where you're going. This type of foolishness, will get you demoted, if not banished. But this isn't to say that it doesn't happen. It totally happens, but where giants climb, there are also giants who fall. And how loud of a noise do you think they'd make, when the ground isn't so parallel anymore? I'd also say that giving yourself attention, is vital in this game we call getting to the top. Scaling your work is tedious, which would indeed require you to keep up with yourself. If you're dating, it's only for a purpose. We're not dating to pass time, because that'll slow you down, if not stop what you're trying to start. Obviously this doesn't include those who have already solidified a deal beyond yourselves. I could keep you for infinity, but then how much PINK,would I have used up? So go on... and live life, like you want to make tomorrow easier.
MONEY DOESN'T MAKE YOU WHOLE... BUT IT DOES MAKE YOU RICH IF THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE STRIVING FOR!!! Does the world know the real you, or are you so deep in the game... that you've become the leading role??? xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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