Midnight Seduction~ It's Pretty Lies We're Telling!!!

No I didn't abandon this segment I just let the world distract me, but I'm back. And maybe this blog means nothing to you, but it definitely means the world to me. It's the world I'm trying to wake up, even if it means seducing you -to digitally show you how it's done. The biggest leaders of our history, have indeed studied what needed to be studied -in order to make the name they've earned for themselves. Who would you not remember, if they didn't follow suit when it came to deceiving an entire nation? Seducing can either help you, or destroy you. So while I bread crumb my ways in hopes that you'll enjoy what I'm putting down, I just hope you don't get lost and play into the game of being seduced.
So, yes maybe I am talking to myself, but even I know getting ahead means going a little if not all crazy. You have to be out of your mind, to get what you want. You have to be willing to look "stupid", to those who don't know the benefits in stupidity. So without further or do, how can spinning the story, trap those who you're trying to catch? You need to learn how to look past the face of others. We're all feeling something different, then what we're showing you. Some of us are masters at suppressing things, if it means playing you. So what does an amatuer do, while in the face of others? They study faces... because isn't that apart of reading body language? Don't be afraid to make night times work for you. Just like Marilyn Monroe said "Who said night times were for sleeping?" You have to be willing to change your schedule, to learn the treasures in all time zones. But do know fools aren't really the fools, they're more like skilled master minds who fooled you. SO ANYWAYS DON'T BE A BUZZ KILL... MIDNIGHT IS MEANT TO MAKE YOU THINK!!! When you're forced to think... then and only then can the best ideas come through!!! xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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