You Don't Belong In That Dark Pitt... Pick Yourself Up!!!!

The Bible said that "David was in the pig pen, until he came to himself and got himself out." So get yourself from out of that dark hole, you don't belong at the bottom. GET UP!!! To be honest was his name David or was it Goliath. OMG... I'm confusing myself. LET ME STOP BEFORE I PUT MYSELF IN A DOOZY! Those aren't my expertise, if you couldn't tell. Ok... like I promised many moons ago, I would introduce " Quality Men", to the ItGirl OverLoad Platform. And ughhhh... today's that day. Imma be real with y'all I had to search high and dry. Sorry I'm not Dan Schneider. I'm just not all that "boy crazy" If you caught that... then all I have to say, is that you caught that lol. If you've never heard of Dan S. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing? Like I said I don't hate men. If you constantly read my posts, I'm pretty sure you can feel my playful energy. But don't get it twisted I'm the devil In disguise. So if you tuned in when I poured my heart out to MISS ANGELINA JOLIE, then I'm pretty sure you know exactly who we're about to unpack!
BRAD PITT. I know this pic was when he was younger, but never question me! He is still aging nicely. Brad looks good with glasses. You know why I go back and fourth on whether or not, I should get contacts? I don't mind looking like the sexy librarian. Why did people make that a big deal? Glasses are just glasses... but remember what people talk about the most,they end up doing that very thing they talked down on. Now glasses are "trendy." Brad has a lot of qualities we need to seek out when we're vetting men. Stop going for the guys who don't look after themselves. If you wanted to date a hobo, just say that! Brad really praises his self care routine. You'd be surprised at how many guys use that 3 in 1 body wash. Why would you like a guy who uses the same body wash he uses on his hair and his car engine. WTF!!! Are you ok? Also what I've noticed about Mr.Pitt is that, he seems to understand the assignment. When it comes to him dressing, he be dressing. I think he likes to be in sync with whoever he's dating. You don't believe me? That's fine I'll just post pics of him when he's dating someone on my twitter.STAY TUNED!!! Brad is such a character! Make sure the guy you go for can have fun, when the time is right.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE STARRING BRAD PITT MINE IS WORLD WAR Z. I know Jennifer Aniston was happy when he was done with angelina jolie I promise I'm not poking fun. I love Jennifer Aniston as well!!! WATCH OUT FOR HER. I'LL BE INTRODUCING HER REAL SOON xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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