Learn To Crush Him Where It Hurts.... AND BELIEVE ME IT'S NOT HIS HEART(we'll eat that when it's time)!!!!

Shout out to my ladies for making time to read my blogs.I just want to say that whatever you're good at, make sure you hone your talents/skills and when you're ready we'll be waiting.But remember don't wait too long,after awhile it's only human nature for us to get bored. Tick tock, tick tock TIME'S RUNNING OUT! I have a special woman to introduce to the ItGirl OverLoad Platform. She's Vigorous, immaculate, and evidently dangerous to mankind. She's someone all of us ladies, should want to be like in a way.Because like I said before, learn how to take what resonates and spit out the bones. Learn to take a few characteristics and layer it with your already striking personality. My mission here is to wake women up. I want to give out affirmations to help you see yourself. I want you to stop giving your all, to losers. Ok ladies please put your hands together, and hold your breath(unless you have a medical condition... I don't feel like going to jail, because you decided to take a 23 year old's advice)... but I promise you might want to hold your breath, because we're diving deep into MISS ANGELINA JOLIE, SHE'S A KILLER!
Angelina Jolie is dangerous...ohhh you don't believe me, just ask Brad Pitt. She's so seductive, wonder why HELL-Y-WOOD didn't know what to do with her. It's honestly annoying how producers, directors , and everyone in between tried so hard to keep Angelina in a small box. ladies when you start moving like you're supposed to, you're going to realize the weird energy that you'll attract. Believe me it's not your fault. Unhealed people don't know how to handle someone who know's how to thrive by their lonesome. They seemed to only give Angie assassian/spy roles. Why? I think it's because of the whole " Male Gaze". The male gaze is extremely creepy. Why has our beauty ,been boiled down to "we only do it for guys to look at us." That just doesn't make sense. And to all my girls that shame women for living their life to their own liking , HOW DARE YOU!Stop falling into society's trap! Don't let people make you feel less than. What can we learn from MISS ANGIE? Learn to see the beauty in other women, even if they give you a hard time. Never stop being gorgeous, even if it makes other people uncomfortable. And most importantly BE DARK! Become friends with the snakes in the garden, but always write down names.ohhhh and I guess the second most important thing to keep in mind is that MOST GUYS WILL NEVER APPROACH YOU, BECAUSE THEY FOR SOME REASON FEEL THREATENED BY YOU AND THAT'S OKAY. STRUT PASS THEM WITH YOUR HOW EVER HIGH HEELS AND LOOK DOWN AT THEM AS IF THEY'RE YOUR SONS!!!!!


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