Heyy if you're still up just know I'm up as well. I'm currently waiting on my vegetables to get done cooking. I don't know why, but I always eat a big plate of veggies super late at night. I finally took a nap, I barely sleep. I always feel bad when I finally decide to sleep, but I thought it was time to throw the towel in, maybe because I've been dozing off while driving the past few days. Anyways I wanted to bring a new segment ,to my platform. I really think this would resonate with other people,just as much as it does with me.
The after hours are usually the saddest hours. I hate feeling sad. Honestly I hate feeling anything. I find it easier when everything is numb. When I was younger, I was more numb to a lot of things, but as I'm getting older I find everything creeping it's way into my psyche [in one way or another.] Things that most people would get over in seconds takes me days. I love midnight, but I also hate the feeling that strings along with it. Do you know how freeing it feels to be up when your neighbor is most likely asleep? Does your mind tend to wonder in those weird hours? Are you able to be the real you once midnight hits? What comes along after midnight isn't meant for everyone. That's why most people are already tucked in bed before then. There's a spooky energy that lingers once the clock strikes twelve o'clock. My best advice is to just use those hours to create, but be very intentional while doing so. You want to take it easy, but also do things that are liberating to your soul. Play some soothing instrumentals. Journal maybe? I would say go for a walk, but I wouldn't do that myself, enough though I love to walk when the world is on mute, I also know how dangerous it is(especially for us girls.) HOW SAD... RIGHT. Who else feels a bit lost, even while knowing the destination? Everything feels muffled, I keep finding myself reaching at my airpods(thinking that that's the feeling), only to realize, nothings there and that my airpods are secured in it's case. TALK TO THE MOON IF YOU MUST BUT DON'T CALL THAT PERSON UP THAT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE SH!T. UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR LIFE IS HEADING IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION, AND THIS JOURNEY REQUIRES YOU TO BE ALONE. BUT FEAR NOT WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT YOU'LL GET THOSE LIKE MINDED FRIENDS THAT YOU CRAVE ,JUST DO YOUR PART AND CONTINUOUSLY SHOW UP EVERYDAY xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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