Ladies who's a blond bombshell that comes to mind when you think of the 90's? If you instantly thought of Marilyn Monroe... well you're absolutely right, but this isn't about her as of right now sad to say... ( I adore Marilyn by the way and a lot can be learned from her, so look out for her in the future because THE FUTURE IS ALWAYS FEMALE!), so anyways if you're sweeter than sweet and when asked the question ANA NICOLE SMITH CAME TO MIND THEN YOU MY FRIEND DESERVE TO HAVE THE GROUNDS THAT YOU WALK UPON KISSED BY PRINCE CHARMING HIMSELF( whoever that prince/princess may be for you, because we don't judge here.) No spotlight is needed when it comes to MISS ANA NICOLE SMITH! SHE IS THE SPOTLIGHT! I remember first hearing about her in a youtube video by Karine Alourde (you should definitely check her out ) , while at work , and instantly falling her love with her and her story. Ana were dealt tragic cards from the beginning but somehow someway managed to take what was given and make a name for herself. She truly is an icon for the masses. There's alot to upack here but I really want to make this a series because you can never get enough of this hottie!
She's the prime example of creating the life you want, even if looking delusional in the process is what's called for regarding the recipe. She didn't settle for what her family and what society wanted for her. She also didn't live with insecurities that she could easily change. We're always taught as women to love every inch of our body. I mean that's fine, we should indeed love ourselves, but we should also change what we think/feel would make us be the person that we've always desired to become. She fought for her rights in the industry. She used her weaknesses in exchange for assets. Ladies stop listening to people who tell you that "you don't have to change but instead just love yourself." Trust me it's their way of telling you to stay the same and to continue to want more but even though you want more ,it would be highly unnatural to become your highest self. You were meant to discover what you don't like about yourself and emerse yourself into a lifestyle that requires you to soul search until you shed those negative layers. IF BECOMING WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE MEANS SETTING YOUR OLD SELF ON FIRE IN THE PROCESS THEN INVEST IN THAT SPARKLY NEW TORCH AND PLAY SET FIRE TO THE RAIN BY ADELE AND MAKE IT SEXY learn to love the flames become one with the sparks xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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