Nature creates ideas you wouldn't believe

Even though it's a windy day, I'm sitting in nature. I felt called to spend less time locked away in my room,but instead indulge myself into the creators/universe's divine creation. This year should and will most definitely be spent doing fulfilling activites that are free. Having a good time doesn't require much. you don't have to spend a fortune. All you really need is good company, and if that is too hard to come by (because believe me nowadays finding good people to be around is almost like looking for a needle in a hay stack), then just show up as you are, because at least you know you aren't going to drive yourself crazy. Nature is free for all, and is used by "special" people who see the beauty of it all. Despite the fact that it's windy and all of papers keep flying away, that isn't enough to make me want to leave. I came to create! We often forget that our true home and our true source of energy comes from the trees,natural water,the grass/soil, and most of all the sun. The sun is a powerhouse alone, that our body needs. Those examples above are what feeds our internal hunger. Not low vibrational outlets that people tend to surrond themselves around. How can you create, when your environment is stale. There's no positive movement. No wonder you can't think. When you're outside you're basically free for just your body but also your mind is able to roam free.You're not closed behind four walls, when you tap into nature.And when you begin to look around it's as if nature is protecting your from all the negativity. So when you feel trapped or drained, maybe this is your sign to grab your beach towel, a favorite book that needs reading, a journal to manifest/brainstorm new ideas(because let's face it when you feel as though your creative juices have ran dry, it's because your energy craves something different to create something different.), two pens (because once you start, do you really want not having a spare pen to stop you?), water , and also maybe some crackers to feed the ducks if you're sweet like that! But whatever you choose to do don't continue to lock yourself in a space where you are not growing. The world needs someone like you. But remember, to get something you've never had, you have to be willingly to do something you've never done. *Thank goodness those loud kids just left, they were a bit distracting* xoxo soon to be Itgirl overload xoxo


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