Being A Female Entrepreneur And Learning to stand Firm On Your NO!!!!

Ladies how many times have you've gotten ran over? How many times has someone you know tried desperately to make you feel bad for saying no, even if by you saying no was great for your mental health? See us women are natural born nuturers and others know this? In fact they'll try and use that against you.Sometimes it'll even be unhealed women throwing shots at you. See your acts of kindness could also be your own acts of your downfall. Being too sweet can sometimes become a bad thing when given to the wrong person. Not everyone you meet will have your best interest at heart!I'm pretty sure you've heard that before. But I need you to listen, because anything that has been repeated constantly has some truth to it, backed by several experiences. Being a one woman show is tough, because it leaves you vulnerable to critism, and for some reason society is HELL BENT on directing critism towards women of all walks of life! Now some "critism" can be helpful(which is why I particularly don't like to call it critism, because when I personally think of that word, I instantly imagine some wayward critic sitting not in the front row,but in the very last row tucked away. While having a pen and paper in hand, with only negative commentary to scribble down, but then leaving before the curtains close, the lights come on, while you stand there observing the audience; that came to watch your show.) Not everyone you come across will mean you good.They'll feed off of your fears and self-doubt, from them telling you everything you don't want to hear. So stop listening, learn to turn your hearing on and off at times. Don't believe eveything you hear. No one should be given the power to make you question everything that you've built. Have you ever thought that, everything that you managed to create from the ground up could just be hard for the next persom to imagine. Maybe your talents and creativity is too much for small minded non creativity people to consume. Not everyone that comes to your show is rooting for you so the faster you learn and accept that the less time you'll have to surround yourself around that!
EVERYTHING YOU DO SHOULD BE DONE WITH YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH AND IF THAT MEANS YOU SAYING NO TO A LOT OF PEOPLE THEN THAT'S JUST WHAT IT IS I said no, shall I say it in five different languages, jump around in circles while rocking a mohawk with the words "NO" written across my forehead xoxo Soon to be ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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