
I want girls all around the world to become unstoppable

Flow right first!!!!!

some of us aren't creating right, or we're not creating at all. we're not subjecting ourselves to fluidity as an artist usually does, because we're not energetically aligned. we're not agreeable with the magnetic flow that the universe has to offer -that it has to offer to us all. we're just not doing right by ourselves, when we're forcing ourselves to create when we're just not ready, and to be frank with bob, most times getting "ready", takes longer than one is willing and able to admit. I'll take myself for an example, there are some things I need to wrap up. There are some things that need completing on my end, but in the same instance, it truly is complicated for me to be in that natural flow of being to give the goods a chance to stand on their own. A chance at freedom. A chance that's promised, and not breeched. even I have those moments when I'm not myself, and I'm forced to rewild myself. to reclaim myself.

Nyx is a cheeky little Minx!!!!!!

Welcome to a new segment. A new edition to my night blogs, because words are seemingly less likely to be a nuisance when nighttime hits, wouldn't you agree? I wonder if anyone is grasping that nothing ever lasts. Even the good things have to come to an end, whether that's through absoultion, or parasitic maggots. I hope I'm not the only one looking for substance, with a head full of jacksh!t. I hope I'm not talking to myself, but if I am, I think I'm okay with that, because classics are often overlooked. I was gifted words to tell, but delving into the wrong portals tends to leave me expressionless. So if you're here too, if you're also up too, lets internalize Nyx's medicine, shall we. Nyx wants us to know that the dark can offer things the light could never give. The darkness isn't as selfish as society tries to make it seem, if anything flesh and bone, has done more harm than our fellow universal and cosmic beings. What do you want for

Your interconnectedness means something!!!!

Your interconnectedness is trying to tell you something, especially if your days consists of random symbolisms that all seemingly align together, on a deeper and spiritual level. Things that are often hidden seemed to expose themselves in a silent way. The messages are always subtle to the untrained mind. It takes an explorer to want to dive deep, and to actually find some sort of depthness that makes the seeker want to continously do it again. It's been awhile since I've explored this deep, and since I've been thinking on a aimless level, I've actually been gaining some insight as to who I am, and who I can become -if i stay on this path that centers itself around curiosity. So let's be a spectacle within the universe for a day, shall we? Everything matters, while everything holds no weight. Light is often rushed darkness, and darkness is often hoards of light with an urgency to leave this lifetime behind. Darkness with no noise is basically reflection at

Welcome to Silent Hill

Welcome to a land where nothing ever matters, but is frequently survellianced. Welcome to a place where people gather around but no one ever speaks, or at the least says anything too incriminating, or anything at all. Welcome to a dark spot in a happy person's life, meaning to act sad on purpose if it means they'll get to live on another day, if it means they can go unnoticed, by staying under the radar. Welcome to nature's greatest individuals who's both artistic, and at the same time uncanny. Welcome to a hill that was never supposed to be as big as it is, or at least no one ever expected it to be as big as it is -today. Ladies and Gents welcome to freakin' SILENT HILL I feel alone, even with the good times, I often want to hide away. Most times my vortex is in tact, and then there are times when I'm talking too much. I'm telling horrid people way too much. and I'm always left feeling like half of me died. see, my hands are loving, but they qui

The universe is forcing us...

Something big is happening. Something ginormous is going to come forth -for us all. Something amazing. Something unexplainable. Something that cannot be ignored, even if that small voice in your head tries to tell you otherwise. It's time for an upgrade. Hell, your soul level contract upgrade is wayyyy past over due. And often times it hurts more when we realize that we were the only one and or circumstance standing in our own path towards greatness. But aborting the mission you were sent here to do, has to get done in one way or another, just let it be by you. Let the greatness come from you, and nobody else. Yes, creating a life for yourself can be rather hard, but if measured to any other task(s), its by far the easiest job in the world. To be able to create things that matter, and at the same time doesn't really matter, is overtaking -in a breathtakingly way. Maybe you're figthing yourself so damn hard, because you're trying to go at this artisitc life

just don't forget, okay!!!!!

don't forget how good times feel. don't forget how good it feels when the air is clean, and the scene is fulfilling. Hell, don't forget the peace when you're surrounded by man- made madness. let's not forget empty promises and hard truths, when realization set in. this new season calls for change and possibly a lot more rain, but what if we could turn pouring rain into thunderous reign. you're not alone, but you are missing, but that doesn't mean that you cannot be found. how about we forgive ourselves, and find our way back home. and most of all don't forget how winning feels, when wholeness replaces hollowness. since we're here lets talk pleasant dreams, and insanity or out-of-sanity, or possibly even time and how it doesn't really erase mistakes, but it does somehow create quality distance between what you've done, and who you've become after the fact. some people are drinking too much, and then there are people who ar

Being purposeful for good reasons of course...

Tell me you wanted this? Tell me you wanted to be here right now, instead of anyhwere else? Tell me night and or evening blogs are sometimes better than daytime blogs? I mean isn't the night more quiet, and more hallow -which does a person like me right. I can't remember a night, I felt completely dispelled by its comfort, even if I did feel a little less like myself, and a lot more sad. I was dealing with purposeful emotions, but I was allowing them to go to waste. and for what? but forget the wasted potential, because tonight (right now) I have all the tools I need to put on a show -a night show that is. grab your snacks, and your warm tea. I'm sipping on mango ginger tea mixed with a tranquility blend. I'm looking for peace. all you need to know is, I'm looking to relax my digestive system, and the only way to do that is through warmth, and reassurance, because when your body knows you best wouldn't you want to feed it the right things, so that you