A Night of Detachments...

I should've left a long time ago. I should've stopped hitting certain energies up just because of the simple fact that I was bored. I should've been more helpful to myself and not just to other people -especially those who sought after my naviety and loneliness, as well as my openiness. I was telling too much of myself to greedy people. I was talking too much to people who made metal notes for all the wrong reasons. The thing is, I also make mental notes but those mental notes are simply to place objects where they need to be placed, since I like to capture moments filled to the brim with substance.
Have you done things you wished you would've cut off sooner? have you missed the red flags for reasons only you want to admit? did you miscalculate your steps or even the timeframe to how long you'd be wrapped up in lab grown carats? did you stop listening to those above you, say your spirit guides? I wonder where you are now that you lost your way? I wonder how you're resting at night when you decided to stay attached to something visibly and shamelessly wicked. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. or maybe I wonder because it keeps me from prying into how far I dropped myself off, when the problem is literally a few doors down. A few water sprinklers away, and a moon phase or two at bay. I have a question, could we possibly reclaim our sense of pride to walk away, because there's help out there. there's a cosmic wave of help that wants to help you, that wants to help me, but first we have to acknowledge the red flag(s) that's been clouding our judgement this entire time.
WHAT THE HELL IS A GROWING PAIN???? Detachments can be healthy, you know. xoxo ItGirl OverLoad xoxo


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