
Showing posts from March, 2025

You Don't Own Me... No! No! No!

You thought that you ruined me. stopped me. changed me. You thought your confusion, manipulation, and projected insecurities altered me, and my state of reality. you blended both overbearing love with fatal attraction, making you the perfect fusion of both unrealistic demands, and the need to sabotage who you admired me to be -before you knew just how extreme my aura could be. and for a while I thought so too. I thought you reversed the greatness that was instilled in me, and for some time I was afraid, and what was even more damaging, was the fact that I was afraid to admit this. I was scared to admit this to myself. and this is when I stopped creating. stopped believing that I had stories to tell. I couldn't even create one story. one single story. your negativity was heavy, and even though you showed me how your mind worked, and how much peace you weren't allowing yourself to live within -your cynicism wasn't meant to pierce me indefinitely into severing what I was al...

Healing The Throat Chakra!!!!

I'm here, long awaited... yes, but I'm still here. I'm no longer surviving; I've been thriving, but in the mist of finally living, I still haven't been speaking. I'm still not talking, and when we're not talking, how can we possibly even create. Express. Self- expression is everything, but it becomes a hard burden to shake if you're allowing your body to crumble instead of rebuilding itself, by doing what we have always done -evolve. We were placed here to evolve, and to grow into sometihng great beyond the human consciousness could ever fathom, and although some of us have already grasped that concept -a lot of us are still just scratching the surface. but how long will we stay where we've outgrown, knowing that all its ever done is kill us, by striking us down. I've been getting these nasty rashes on my throat, and I've been getting them for years, off and on, and although I have been creating, I haven't been releasing as m...