The universe is forcing us...

Something big is happening. Something ginormous is going to come forth -for us all. Something amazing. Something unexplainable. Something that cannot be ignored, even if that small voice in your head tries to tell you otherwise. It's time for an upgrade. Hell, your soul level contract upgrade is wayyyy past over due. And often times it hurts more when we realize that we were the only one and or circumstance standing in our own path towards greatness. But aborting the mission you were sent here to do, has to get done in one way or another, just let it be by you. Let the greatness come from you, and nobody else. Yes, creating a life for yourself can be rather hard, but if measured to any other task(s), its by far the easiest job in the world.
To be able to create things that matter, and at the same time doesn't really matter, is overtaking -in a breathtakingly way. Maybe you're figthing yourself so damn hard, because you're trying to go at this artisitc life alone. Maybe drawing from the universe's elements could make you stronger, more wiling to do the things you seemingly think you are not capable of doing. Light an incense or two. Play some Al Green, or Sade. Light a candle or five. Take artisitc breaks or naps, but at the end of the day hopefully a piece or two, has been created by your hands, and not burned down by societal's expectations. But anyways hopefully you're going to cross the line that binds worrisome and artisitc blockages. I must go now, I have a few pieces I could be creating myself, before the night calls it a night.
I WOULDN'T WANT TO LET MY ARTISTIC WELL RUN DRY... It's taken me this long, because perfection has choked me by it's evilness for so long, everytime I tried to get back up it would pin me back down. xoxo the ItGirl who loves everything quiet xoxo


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